Evil Twins

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Author's Note:

I might insert myself in this chapter, though I'm not quite sure yet. So be prepared.

Mark awoke to find himself in a completely metal room. The walls were metal, the floor was metal, everything was metal. Even the chair that he sat in and the table, with he was handcuffed to, was metal.
Suddenly, a door opened and a man walked through. Mark immediately recognized the figure.
This copycat was wearing black eyeliner and pale skin. And his eyes... There was something lurking in the pit of them, something dark and evil.
Darkiplier smiled. "Surprised to see me? I would be too, if I was in your shoes. I was a fictional character after all. Well, mostly fictional. You did cheat the real Dark, didn't you?"
Dark sat across the table from Mark. "What the fuck do you want?" Mark demanded. He tried to make himself sound confident. And it worked.
In the wrong way.
"Oh, is Markimoo trying to scare Darkiplier? Oh, I tremble at his words!" Dark mocked.
"Fine then," Mark said, giving up the tough act. "Then where the fuck am I?"
Dark cackled. "Your so stupid! The last thing you remember is falling asleep, and you never woke up, which means...."
"That we're inside my head?" Mark finished uncertainly.
"That's right, Markimoo! Your earned a trophy!"
"Why? Why am I here?"
Darkiplier mood suddenly shifted, going from joyful to agitated.
"I was about to tell you, smartass."
Darkiplier got up quickly and paced the room, then sat back down, a smile on his face.
"Now, where were we?"


Jack found himself on the streets of a town, the buildings of which looked to be businesses. The entire sidewalk that he walked on was silent.
"What the fookin' hell? Where the fuck am I?"
Something moved on the rooftop over head. A muted thud followed.
"In your head, obviously. Though in a place... familiar to me."
Jack spun around. Behind him stood him, though with EXTREME differences. The thing in front of him had a green eye and pointed ears, and it's teeth were sharp. One of the eyes was an evil black. It wore a black shirt, and the hands had massive claws instead of fingernails.
"I thought I make myself at home." Antisepticeye growled.
"What the fookin' hell are you doing here?" Jack demanded, backing away. He needed to get away from this monster.
"I've always been here, waiting. I'm always watching." Anti licked his lips with a large, unnatural tongue.
"What do you want from me?"
"I want your head."

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