Funny Feeling

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Mark sat up and leaned forward. He had the craziest dream. A comic book character had come to life and told him that he would become Darkiplier if he didn't fight against his control.
"Mornin' sleepy head!" Mickey shouted, appearing right in front of Mark's bed.
"Shit!!!" Mark shouted as he pushed himself away from her. He hit his back hard on his headboard.
"Oh, sorry. I already made breakfast. Sean's up. I thought I let you sleep in. You needed it." Mickey said, springing from the room.
Mark shook his head. He was never going to get used to her. He got up and trudged to the bathroom. He needed a shower.
After relaxing in the hot steam, Mark got dressed and headed downstairs to the kitchen. He was greeted by Jack and Mickey laughing. Stacks of pancakes sat at the table. Mark noticed that there were empty bottles of pancake batter stuffed in the trashcan. He shrugged and sat down.
"Hey Merk!" Jack's accent became more pronounced as he chuckled.
The other YouTuber gave the Irishman a small grin.
"Hey, what you laughin-"
Before he could finish, Mark felt a pain in his head. It throbbed for a second, and then stabbed him hard in the skull. Mark slumped forward on the table, tears pooling in his eyes.
"Mark! Are you alr- Sean!"
Mickey watched in horror as both men grabbed their heads in pain. She could see their faces glitching, switching between their darker selves.
"No! Not yet!" Mickey yelled. She didn't know how to help. No matter how much she didn't want to admit it, she didn't know what she was doing. She was terrified. Stupid little girl body.

Jack let out a maniac laugh, one of his eyes green. Without thinking, Mickey grabbed a pan and hit the Irishman hard on the head. Jack slumped and fell forward. She went to set the pan down and ended up hitting Mark on the noggin also.
"Sorry! Sorry!" She shouted checking if they were okay. Both had passed out. "Great! First day and I've already knocked them out!"

Mark woke up painfully. His head throbbed and his muscles burned. He couldn't remember what happened.... until Mickey walked in.
"Back away, you... you... unreal comic character!!!" Mark shouted. He really needed to do other things than shout. But it wasn't his fault that things were happening.
A hurt look crossed her face, but was quickly replaced by a goofy smile.
"You were acting weird. And it was an accident."
Mark considered that and then looked back up at Mickey.
"How's Sean?"
"Oh he's fine! He woke up a few minutes ago! Though he went back to sleep." Mickey said. her facial expression was guilt, and it was very exaggerated. Like a comic book character.
Mark started to realize how inhuman Mickey looked. Her skin was way to pale, and she had very little detail. Sure, she was pretty, but you couldn't really describe her. It was a generic pretty.
"Mark, what are ya look-"
But Mickey was cut off by a scream.
Jack's scream.

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