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Heine has been progressing good enough with the princes of Grinzreich, but he misses his life outside the castle,

"I wonder what happened to her..."- he thought as he and the princes lounged at the gardens,

"Sir Heine? What's wrong?"- Licht asked him suddenly, making all the princes look at his direction,

"Nothing at all, I...I just thought of a distant memory,"- He said, looking away from them,

"HEY HEINE WITTGENSTEIN! Are you looking for me?!"- They all turned to the person who shouted from-- THE TOP OF THE CASTLE?!

"!!!"- Their eyes widened as they all watched in horror as the girl jumped from the tower, Haine's eyes widened and stood up from his seat,

"ANNABELLE!!!"- Heine shouted the princes look at Haine with widened eyes as he caught the lady from falling,

"Whoops! I overdid it a little,"- The female blushed, standing up and matching the height of the princeses,

"Why are you here?"- They asked her curiously, The lady laugh,

"My apologies, your highnesses, I'm Annabelle Sephtis, the overall assistant of the Royal Tutor,"- She said bowing deeply, they gazed at their teacher as saw that rarest smiles eversince!

"Welcome back, Sephtis,"

"I am back, m'lord"

The Royal Tutor's AssistantWhere stories live. Discover now