A Vacation?

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Elizabeth's pov,

It was only last night when I killed an intruder with Haine on the watch, I didnt want that to happen but he was not paying attention to his surroundings nor he noticed that pest,

After I take him to his quarters last night, I made my way back to my own room which is at the far side of the mansion,

Too tired to think of anything else I slumped to my bed and dozed off,

When morning came, I opened my eyes tiredly and saw a red mess on my eye's view, I blinked, running my fingers through it only to find it was Hair, Heine's hair exactly, though I know he wouldnt care nor visit me in my chamber, this maybe a dream, I pull his head close and sat my chin ontop of his head,

"*sigh* so soft and cuddly, this is a splendid dream come true~" I sighed as I close my eyes again,

"Princess wake up,"- I heard Haine's voice near me, I sighed in bliss,

"If this is still a dream, I wont wake up anymore~"- I cooed inhaling his scent,

"This isn't a dream, please wake up already"- Haine said, I blushed hard,

"Ah~ this is exactly like Haine~ Its too good to be true~"- I said and hugged him more,

"Youre suffocating me, please get up or I'll be rash!"- I finally obeyed and opened my eyes, I was staring face to face with an angry face of my dear lovely husband named Haine,

It took me a while to realize that he really inside my chamber....




"WHY ARE YOU HERE?!"- I instinctively push him away by instinct, he falls down comically, I blushed as I tried to cover my stuff toys on my head rest, when he peek to me from the floor, I was blushing red while being flustered,


He cough a little, a somewhat smug look all over his place, Oi! Whats that face mean to say?!

"Princess, its already 7 in the morning, this is not likely the time you wake up and pester me in my chambers"- He said in a calm tone, I huffed and turn my head away from him,

"Its still early! Besides, Im not going inside your room to wake you up,"- I folded my arms to prove my words,

"Ah... the joy of a peaceful morning atlast then, but why youre late to wake up today?"- He asked me, I pursed my lips and look at him,

"Pest multiplies in the evening, undoubtedly, they rushed towards here by 3 in the morning,"- I said and wave him off,

"Well I am also surprised today, why are you here in my bedroom?"- I asked him with a raised brow, He return my gaze with a look- I cannot tell because im still half asleep,

"Your servants are worried, because you sleep so soundly they thought youre dead"- He said with an amused tone,

"I dont sleep like that!"- I denied frowning,

"Indeed, because you sleep like a log,"- He said with a smirk, I openly glared at him,

"Oi! I dont sleep like that either!"- I said pissed, he turn away,

"Sure, whatever you say Princess,"- He said waving me off, I frowned at him,

"Why are you here in my chambers?"- I said more seriously, he picked up the atmosphere and turn to me with a serious look,

"I am planning to go on a trip - albeit with you in tow- to see the other general's lands and their "products" "-he said, raising his one brow when he said products, I hummed and sit at the edge of the bed,

"You know you'll spend time on the ocean rather than the land if you planned to do that, their lands arent that friendly with outsiders"- I said, looking at his serious face,

" I know that, that's why I am telling you to come"- He said, I arched a brow and folded my arms before my chest,

"And why would I want to do that? Furthermore, its only a few months to give the nucler informations and poison making to you"- I said,

"That is one of the reasons I had for this travel"- He said, I shook my head, refusing his idea,

"Its not necessary"

"Someone may tamper the informations or might get leak to civilians or other countries might assault it"- He said,

"The information is cannot be recognized for it is in form of a manuscript only I and the other generals can understand,"- I said, my lips tilting up from his words,

"It can still be lost in the sea"- he said,

"Who informed you its transported on the sea?"- I asked arching my brow, he frowned,

"Since the people who holds the information are transporting by sea, its common sense it will arrive here by boats"-he said, I smiled and look at him,

"Wrong"- I said and stood up, I look down on him and ruffled his hair,

"I hold this household, however, you havent seen the tremendous power of it to an extent you wont grasped it with common sense, So darling stop overthinking and play swords with the men outside"- I said and turn to my bathroom, but he started to talk again,

"-I.. I WANTED A VACATION!"- I was shock from his shout and look back at him with wide eyes,

This is amusing,

Really amusing and adorable,

Heine was acting like... a spoiled child?

His fist were closed and rigid on his sides, his face was red and flustered, my... what a sight,

"A vacation, huh.."- I mumbled looking at him, he nodded many times,

"I want to have a vacation! I want to go out of this city! I wanna explore! Lets go! Lets go!"

Somehow....for a young adult, you act proffesional like a 5 year old throwing a tantrum, the scene alone makes me amused,

"And why would I agree to such a childish Request my little husband?"- I asked looking at him with an arch brow,

"I want to learn more! And the eyes of these people makes me act too prim and proper! I dont care anymore I want a vacation to the general's countries!"- He stomped his foot to prove his point, I chuckled silently,

The famous and brilliant Heine Wittgenstein, a famous royal tutor and all that brandish words,was throwing a tantrum and acts like a spoiled kid,

"Oh what the heck, come here!" - I happily embraced Heine while giggling,

"I'll agree to what you said, we'll get a vacation and set off tomorrow!"

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