Chapter 34

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Elizabeth was staring at her eccentric Subhead namely Lyon Northwig, 35 years old, single, has an extreme desire for poison, silks, different clothings, different carnivorous plants he calls my babies~

His built is not so musculine but not so thin either, his white hair brushed back and his trimmed beard makes his chin shapped into a square, his blue eyes hold a thousand watts bright ideas and quirks, his mind is actually younger than his age, he hit his head when he was young and eversince then, his IQ stilled at 20,

Now her goal for Northwig was.....

"PWAHAHAHAHAH! Are you kidding me Queen?! Your cute little King was affected by Aphrodisiac before?! Hah! Come! Come! Lemme see this spectacle! How did you help him! Are you already pregnant! Make me his uncle okay!"-Northwig laughed out loud as he smack his hand to his knees laughing, Elizabeth was happy for once because this room is soundproof,

"Northwig shut up"- with those simple and authoritive words, the older man shut up and look at her with clear 'I-am-Innocent' eyes, Elizabeth can't help but roll her eyes,

"Can you make the Aphrodisiac less potent and create an antidote or not? If not, then what's my use of you, stupid old man"- Elizabeth's sharp words pierced into Northwig's soft and wounded heart, tears welled up his eyes as he....actually stared at her with appreciation and awe in tears,

.....Really an eccentric,

Elizabeth left him on his laboratory to work and look for Heine, she asked one of the maid servant, who quickly told her his location, currently he was at their room taking a bath, the male servants were attending to his needs, thinking about the "goal" she had with Northwig, she wouldn't mind someone as an audience as long as she and Heine can please each other,

'Oh how lewd of me... I want to suck him dry right now but the Aprhrodisiac is not yet ready *sigh*' quickly dismissing those thoughts, she thought back of the problems arising on this country, who would've thought that one of the 3 main person who wants to take her King's life was right here....hiding in the dark,

Thinking of this person... Elizabeth's whole body exuded with killing intent, those people... who dares to threaten Heine will be kicked into the underworld!


Heine after taking a bathe and dressed into new comfortable clothes, was waiting at the bedroom for Elizabeth to get back, who would've thought that Drake will pass on the message from her telling him to sit still and finish studying the manuscript for German, he inwardly scowled but never the less abide to her orders and studied hard, Inquiring to Drake what Elizabeth was up to,

"Heine-sama, Queen disclosed to us servants where she will heading, but rest assured that she will come back before dinner,"- After Drake said that, He had the butlers to give Heine an afternoon tea as he study,

Heine was busily studying undisturbed, the manuscript easily learnt by him chapter by chapter,

When the moon was out, Elizabeth came back and meet with him after her bath, Dressed in a white silk ankle length night dress with long frilly sleeves on the end, Elizabeth look like a a goddess in white, they ate dinner, Heine didn't inquire yet of her whereabouts, clearly, Her sour mood told him she failed on something,

After they finished eating, Elizabeth pulled him closer on the bed and hug him tight, he saw a glimpses of people in the shadows running around from the dark,

Soon, vague wails and screams can be heard from the hallways and downstairs, Heine thought back of what happened on North Korea, will it be the same as before?

"Don't bother worrying Heine, their not one of us, the servants and my people can handle them, if not, why are they still alive?"- Elizabeth sid bitterly and tried to sleep, Heine tried to understand her mood and kissed her forehead before sleepig too,

These things, if not trivial and forbidden by Elizbeth, naturally he will comply,


Before the sun rises, Elizabeth already woke up and stared at her peaceful Heine sleeping beside her, She thought back of her failure last night, that 3rd guy, Really knew how to play hide and seek in the sewers, If not for Northwig's pleadings, She will really bomb off all of his small rat hideouts and let other people think that there's a war inside their country,

Gritting her teeth, she tried to calm down and look back at Heine, still sleeping, That's good, slowly and carefully slipping away from him, she tucked him in the thick blanket and started her day, there were servants outside their door, she immediately set into action,

"I'm going to bath at the next room, Marie go and ready the Black and Red corps, Drake, Shut your mouth when Heine asked where I'm going, Servants, preparing a meal for me,"- Elizabeth ordered as she took a quick bath and changed into a golden sewed dress with frills and laces, A female servant helped her do her hairstyle into am elegant updo with golden lilly ornaments, a light make up on her face and golden colored shoes on her feet,

"Northwig, Must you really doll me up like this?"- Elizabeth sighed and turned to him who was peekingat the door and taking her pictures,

"My goddess! Only gold can pair to your light smooth silky skin! And that make up! I really picked out the best this time! Hohoho!"- Northwig boast as he took endless amount of pictures, Elizabeth paid him no mind, Marie came back with two servants holding a long silver trays, resting there were her guns and knives, thin poisonus needles and more, straping it on her upper thighs, her legs and shoes, she was ready for war,

"Northwig, this ball in 8 sharp at night, I want you to release your darling animals to run free and kill, today, mark my words, Whoever dares to point their guns on me will be sent to the underworld,"- Elizabeth walked towards Northwig and with a flick of her wrist, a dagger was tipping his chin up, Elizabeth's intense killing intent made everyone quiver, her deep blue eyes dark as they stared unto Northwig's eyes,

"Don't betray me okay? Even if its not you and your servants did, It only means you fail to meet my expectations and you'll be killed too, just like Gung Yoo, so work hard,"-Withdrawing her dagger, she pass his stilled form and go downstairs,

Northwig's mood was complicated,

'I got a second chance? I wont be a ghost like Gung Yoo? I don't have bad intentions, Gung Yoo first implicated himself... Right, I'm on Queen's side and no one else.... Final answer!'


Hello everyone!!! Happy holidays!

Ooh! Looks like there was someone who wants to kill Heine?! 😲😲😲 And Elizabeth is on the hunt to kill that person! Also! Northwig is siding on Elizabeth, good good xD

Let's see on the chapters where our Golden Fairy Queen was heading, (as we all can see this queen is getting lewd xD *cough*)

See you all soon!

The Royal Tutor's AssistantOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora