Chapter 33

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We sailed through the seas by 2 months, and we ride horses through different states of Germany, of course, Trouble will always attach itself on my beloved Queen, buffed and musculine males as well as thin and scholar looking males flocked around her,

I took care of them by using the ancient technique of medicine in China- acupunture, Which I obtained from Chan Wei as a tribute for grooming him as a proper emperor, Elizabeth was awed and even cheered for me while I'm in a hurl of falling bodies, *sighed* This girl,

When we're only 2 cities away from our destinations, There were many women and children there than men, They were (As I might say) flocking around me, It looks like the tables have turned, I just watched in the sidelines as Elizabeth waste her bronze magazine on killing the females,

"Hmph! How dare they put their dirty lustful gaze on my King! Dispose them on the forest!" Elizabeth ordered and the rest followed,

She turned to my way and tried to hug me but she stopped her actions,

"Tch, How dare those fools to soil my clothes with their blood, how infuriating!" She pout and walk away as we continue our journey,

By nightfall we stopped by below the waterfalls and set a camp there, many of the people with us were setting up their own tents first,

Elizabeth stood up and clapped her hand once, everyone straightened up and look at her direction with respect,

"Everyone! Tonight, we are inside the most deadliest part of the forest in the country, You are all free to run wild and kill a couple of wild animals you want to sell, take care, or eat, Be right back here after an hour, Enjoy the rest of the night!" With her hand raised to the sky, everyone dropped their unnecessary stuffs and packed their weapons, rushing out of the camp site, I turned to her,

"Don't worry Heine, my assassins are guarding our campsite, come and take a bath with me," She smiled as she slowly undress infront of me, her bloodied clothes dropped on the floor and what's left was her white inner robe, I did the same and we walk closer to the waters,

I watched as Elizabeth took care of herself and bathed, she was a goddess basking in the moonlight, I was frozen in place zoning out when her slender arms wrapped around my shoulders and a warm pir of lips covered mine, I blinked and stared at her deep blue eyes, drowning deeply from her passionate stare as I kiss her back and let myself succumb on her peerless beauty,

The night was quiet, the water was warm and only nature was our witness for our deep and passionate love making,

As the night turns deeper, The others started to make their way back to the campsite, The two royalties were rkght there and eating their own share of food, Heine sitting and feeding Elizabeth who was laying her head on his lap,

'PDA! THIS IS PDA!'- Everyone shouted on their minds as they cough and turn away to start cooking their own meals,


As the sun rises from the horizon, Elizabeth and Heine along with their men finally made it outside the walls of berlin, Elizabeth, without a care around her, took out her golden crest and showed it to the guards on the gates, The guard looks shock at first before He called up the guards from upstairs and opened the gates wide for them,

As the guard guided them to the General's large Red Courtyard, Elizabeth was quiet all the time while Heine was quizically looking around their surroundings,

Entering the Courtyard on their own the Red 5 storey Mansion that looks like a small European castle filled their sight, green bushes with pine trees on the front courtyard, the maids and butlers were bowing down as they stopped a few meters away from the door step,

Northwig Lyon came out of his mansion and came running to meet and hug his beautiful Queen,

"Oh Queen Youre finally here! This mansion is very very lonely without you! Now that your here! We can finally resume to our daily Poison Hunting cultivating Mother Nature's carnivous babies to be all good and healthy!"- Seeing the 35 years old guy with a trimmed beard hugged and act like a spoil little boy makes others think of him as a silly person, Elizabeth just petted his head like he was some kind of puppy which the older guy didnt seem to mind and actually quite enjoyed it,

One word rung out of Heine's mind, 'Complete S' (he means submissive)

Elizabeth walked inside the mansion as the others dispersed to get some rest, Heine and Northwig look at each other, slowly, the older guys' eyes started to shine with some sort of intent, Heine couldn't help but feel a shiver crawl up his spine,

They both suddenly heard a crisp voice rung to their side,

"Northwig! My king isn't a manequin, don't go crazy for him if you want to eat gold bullets,"- it was cleary a threat, but Northwig take it as some sort of punishment on his twisted mind, Heine stealthly left the guy alone with his servants as followed Elizabeth deep inside the mansion,


Hi Everyone! Im soooo sorry I didn't appear early, >~< hope you all forgive me!!!!

Also! Guys~ Since its December~ Can you all pleaseeee gift me a vote in any of my books? Please? ☆n☆ I would really really appreciate it everyone and! I'll be always fired up to update! Sooo....


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