Chapter 20

313 11 11

Heine's pov,

I woke up by midnight again, after three days from coming here in North Korea, I already got accustomed on the midnight riots thats happening here at Elizabeth's estate,

I sit up and look around the room only to find Elizabeth on her study table, I took my glasses and sat on the edge of the bed, the noise makes her pause but she resumes on her work, I stood up and walk towards her, leaning down to make out the writings she did with a light of an oil lamp,

It was all in manuscripts, and I saw few papers with drawings of power plants,

After two days and three nights getting here in North Korea, the repairs and upgrades thats supposed to be done in mere five days by General Gung Yoo is still stuck in stalemate, I, for one reason, have a gut feeling they wont make it in time, and that means, they will get destroyed and done for,

I was about to ask her about the papers, when Elizabeth's left hand took a bunch of neatly stack papers and handed it to me, I look at it curiously,

"Thats a decoding method for the manuscript to Hanguel, Take note that the manuscript varies for each language, that will only be applicable to Hanguel"- She said, and started writing again,

I opened the lights of the room and then took a seat next to her with a spare chair, memorizing the manuscript,

For a while a calm silence was there, we didnt talk to each other, but then, I started to hear grunts and groans from downstairs, hmmm.. I turn to look at Elizabeth, only to find her staring at me with a serious expression,

"...It seems that you already took care of the pest downstairs"- I said, she hummed and tapped her quill pen on the ink,

"Their getting annoying and all, so I set up traps and poisons around the first floor,"- She said, I just hummed,

"As you can see, Not only on Northwig's post that you can find specific and deadly poisons, I used the poison I always carry for this kind of situation, these types of poison can- with one direct touch- destroy and eat your skin, muscles and the like"- She said, writing on the paper, she told me the most dangerous points of those poisons, how to avoid them and not to trigger them,

"...Youre too knowledgeable in the fields of killing"- I said to her, she gave me a small smile and look down on her paper,

"Human strived to be the best, to top others and to live without being in danger, but there are others who needs to secure those positions they sought with the arts of Killings, That is why, Killing is also necessary"- She said, looking back at me before she looks down her paper, writing,

"Killing isn't that necessary to be in a top position"- I counter, She smiled and put down her quill pen, resting her cheek to her palm as she turn to gaze at me,

"Defend"- She said, ah, she know me too well, I want to debate with her about that,

"With people's trust, a whole nation can select or defeat a person out of the position, for example, Princess Marie from Kingdom of Fonsein who married the into the kingdom of Granzriech...she indulged herself to luxury and unaware of the poverty of common people, which as the people strike a revolution and put the princess to the Guillotine"- I said, she huff, hiding her laugh,

"World War I and II happened to fight for land, conquering pitiful and unknowlegeable lands with poverty and simplicity living, its not only to those people to take theirselves look high and mighty, the resources is also a must, for example, The country below Japan is called Philippines, They were discovered first when a Spanish man named Magellan arrived at the bountiful and simple land, thus, making the Spaniards interest rose in the land conquering them, from then on, Spanish, Japanese and Americans controlled Philippines for a long time, and everytime the Filipinos strike a revolution for their freedom, as well, they kill alot of people to get to that point"- She said, I hummed and thought for a bit,

We turned to the door when it creak open, there I saw a skeleton hand with little to no nerves shakily grasping to air, then next is the arms that was shedding a mix of skin, muscles, and clothe, the blood was dripping all over the floor, what rather shock me is that upper half of the body is rotting,

"M-Monster!!!"- The man shrieked, pointing his skeleton hands to Elizabeth, I heard her laugh,

"Why thank you for your compliment, rotten man"- She said in a mocking tone, The man's eyes look at me,

"R-Run! Before she Kills you! SHE WILL KILL EVERYONE!!! RUN!!! RU-" as the man desperately cries that, his flesh on the head started rotting, leaving behind his bones and eyes just yet, hair and ears were gone with gushing blood, but then a bullet pierced into his skull, his brain exploded as he fall down the floor...dead, I slowly turned to Elizabeth, her hands were shaking while holding her bronze gun, eyes in a piercing glare that can make anyone turn rigid and afraid,

"Kill...Heine? Huh! What sort of sick jokes are they trying to pull off?! I dont care anymore! I wont help that bastard on his sick games! Let them all die! Grrrr!"- She shouted in rage, I pondered on that,

'Elizabeth has been attached to me since she was a kid, and no matter what happens, this kind of fight or leaving me turns her into what she is now, she is so attached, that even after the betrayal- no wait... in the first place... she never betrayed the Granzriech Country because she isnt a resident, she was only there because of me, behind my shadows, helping me protect the people that I'm protecting too...'

'...But right now, after so long of building her own mafia, she is willing to let go and kill those who oppose to her and people who send threats to me? This is just too absurd?! Could this really mean its not just an infantuation but a real feeling?'- I thought as I stood up and took her gun, her eyes snaps up to mine as I let go of the gun and the papers, I pulled her down by her nape and kissed her lips, in few seconds I pull away only to find her blushing hard and her blue eyes wide and shining,

Yes... I just kissed her... what am I doing?

"Y-You k-kissed m-me..."- She stuttered, her face getting red even more,

"You'll run a fever like that, anyways, the first floor is already quiet, shouldnt you do something with the left poison?"- I asked, sidetracking her thoughts,

"Ah... y-yes, w-wait-"- She pulled out a small remote and pushed it,  I heard an explosion coming down from downstairs,

"Why did you do that?!"- I asked, shocked from the loud explosion,

"W-what?! Its just that the poison will be gone if a fire or an explosion can disintegrate it, hey why are you so shock I just told you that earlier!"- She pout, I turn my back to her and climb up the bed,

"I'm sleepy, Im going back to sleep"- I said turning my back to her,

"W-Wait! So unfair let me cuddle you Heine!"- She scampered to her feet and laid next to me, wrapping her arms on my stomach she snuggled to me,

"...give me space to breathe"- I mumbled,

"Sorry"- She mumbled adjusting her hold, I felt her lips on my ear,

"Thank you,"- She said, before she fall asleep,

'...Youre welcome, I should thank Drake for the "mood swing" awareness from the last time' i thought before I fall asleep too,


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Omg!!!! Heine Kissed Elizabeth 😲😲😲😲

Stay tuned for more shocking plot twist 👏👏👏👏👏👏

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