Chapter 36

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The party started, Everyone tried to mingle and create a threshold to one another, thinking of expanding their own resources to others within high authorities,

Elizabeth's eyes held no impatience as she looks around, talk to other people, Entertain few people who wants to strike a business with her, and more ambigious people lingered in the air....

The night was perfectly planned by her, strike a party, drug the guests, drag Genos out and kill him in sweet torture,

She sat there smiling in her throne, but one certain late guest turn her mood upside down,

"King Viktor von Grinzreich from Grinzreich has arrived!"

'F U C K!'- As everyone stared at the elagant blonde male guest from the opening, Elizabeth was dumbstrucked, this.... VIKTOR IS IN GERMANY?! HOW?! WHY DIDN'T ANYONE TOLD ME?!'- Eizabeth gripped on her arm rest as she look at the tall blonde male with peircing green eyes who was walking towards her platform, she stood up and meet him in the middle, words were unspoken but a trace of emnity lingered in their eyes,

"Highness.." Elizabeth smoothly greeted him, offering her right hand, he bows down and kiss the golden ring with sapphire stone in her finger,

"Good evening Your Highness, Queen Haruka"- Viktor greeted her, She nodded her head and nod on the waiter from the side to give him a glass of wine,

"Its such a coincidence, You being here in Germany,"- Elizabeth said playing with the wine in her glass,

"Indeed, I was doing a business trip here with my Oldest son, Einz, I heard from the royal family about tonight's event, so Icame in behalf of them,"- He explained in a calm way, she nodded once and look towards the musicians on the room, they started playing and the guest effectively danced along, Elizabeth look back to him and motion him on the balcony on the farthest north of the room, She finger-snapped and 5 men came to her aide and told them to not let anyone go through the hallways while they talk, when their finally alone on the balcony, Viktor spoke,

"Give me back Heine Wittgenstein"- He said in a serious voice, Elizabeth stopped, her back facing him, a low alluring yet venomous laugh slipped off her red tinted lips,

"Dear Viktor, My beloved fianće will stay with me, nowhere else"- She said in a serious and heavy tone as she look back at him, standing infront of each other, they are both in the same height,

"Don't make me tell you twice, Heine is free to be where ever he wanted, but you only tried to drag him everywhere! Youre a mafia and he's a normal person, Don't put his life at stake!"- Viktor said through gritted teeth, Elizabeth smiled cunningly,

"Your Highness, Heine is living very well in my capable arms, he 's being doing well eversince your bratty sons left his sight, He is studying under my wings, You don't need to interfere anymore, I prefer you to be the naive kid you are before you even met him"- Elizabeth said without a care, Viktor's eyes widened,


"Surprise~ Never thought that you won't know who was the caused of your halved military force few years ago,"- She smirked, Viktor calmed down and gave her a nuetral smile,

"It doesn't matter anymore, I need to bring Heine back to Grinzreich country, Give him back"- He said with eyes reflect no emotions,

They both lapsed in silence, their breathing could only be heard-

*beep beep beep*

Elizabeth's eyes sharpened as her eyesight drawn towards.... Viktor's glamorous suit,

"Take it off"- Viktor pursed his lips but obliged, his trained ears also heard that mechanical sound and it seems like the royal family of Germany wants to make him a tool for their own obvious greedy success,

Throwing it on the ground between them, Elizabeth dumped her wine on it and throw her open lighter to burn the clothing,

"...." Elizabeth wordlessly glared at Viktor,

"Genos Heirt, 35, from the branch family of Royalties in Germany, one of the 3 people who aims to kill Heine, the Mafia Head of the Black Peacock Mafia, The purpose why I want to eradicate the Germany's Royal Family, a pest living in the sewers,"- She gritted her teeth and glared harsher on Viktor,

"Now, Do you still want to expose my beloved to where they could hunt him! BEGONE!"- The furry in her words coated with poison lingered in the air,

The lady in golden dress gets back on her platform and tried to maintain her calm, just a few more minutes, she thought, and all will be according to plan...


R/N: on the second thought... please let this author just do as she wish with the update schedules xD this January is full of hectic schedules in school, im sorry everyone >~<

Have a good week!

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