Chapter 15

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Elizabeth's pov (princess haruka)

After the meeting, I was awestruck at the sudden behavior Heine gave me earlier,

"He's so Daunty and cool, that calm yet teasing demeanor of his makes me embarrassed and fall for him even more!"- I said in an awed tone, holding Maria's hands with mine,

"That face! That tone and the words he spoke makes me so flustered! Aaahhhh! "- I squeeled blushing madly, Maria gave me a smile,

"Mistress, if you really want Haine-sama do keep that up you shouldnt taunt him like that,"- Maria said wisely, I gave her a pout,

"No way! Where's the fun on that? Besides, if he's willing to play along my game, its much easier for him and his country.."- I gave out a sigh as I cross my arms and look outside the carriage,

"...Only that... Its just a game..."- I mumbled and look a bit distant,

"Oh Hime-sama..."- Maria's tone was in pity and understanding, I paid her no heed,


When we got back to the mansion, I was beyond shock,

Heine was in a way fashionable  Yukata and had that sword I gave him... But what was shocking is that he's fighting all- I mean ALL- the mens that were sent to mission,

I watched on the side of the small battlefield as one by one he quickly- and flawlessly- knocked down the mens,

Now he's down to my most- and not to mention, the Greatest- of all men I had, Kuro,

He's my skilled assassin that dresses in black polo-shirt and black pants and shoes, he wore a porcelain kitsune mask tied on his face,

I watched in interest and worry on how they fought,

I can faintly hear what their talking about *sweatdrop*

And suddenly they both stopped, exchange few words before the air between them get heated and they started fighting intensely,

"Maria...those two..."-I  mumbled in worry, she hummed,

"Kuro is an experienced and trained assassin, he CAN overcome and easily kill Heine-sama, Heine-sama on the other hand, only practiced swordsmanship yesterday...but the odds are always present, who knows what Heine-sama has up his sleeves"- Maria observed as both men clashed with their swords,

'I know Kuro can do it...But Haine...I have faith in him, Please win..' I thought as I watched,


Heine's pov,

***Falshback at the battle***

"Young Lord, what are you fighting for?"-These man in black with a mask asked me as battle,

"What I'm fighting for? Its always my life and country,"- I told him, I clashed my blade with his,

"Then I pity my Mistress, blindly inlove with the likes of you!"- He gritted between his teeth and pull away, we stop fighting for a moment,

"My mistress suffered enough on her childhood and I will never make her fragile heart shatter in the hands of an insensitive man like you, If I have to kill you now to save her, I WILL,"- he glowered at me, I smirked at him,

"Go on and kill, I have nothing to fear, for all of this sick game begins and ends with her,"- I said,

"My mistress is blindly inlove with a bastard, Let me kill you!"- he shouted and we started the battle again,

"My mistress is a killer yes! She put herself in the devil's will to manipulate her and be a monster she is now! She killed her parents, burn down the main house to kill everyone behind her! Every single soul who did nothing but order her death and cruel death alone! That young child you saw on the cliff, thats a broken one, she never seek help and thought of her whole being as trash and the reaper herself, she deserves everything in the world that her past cannot give her-even her own blood and family"- He talked as he pushed me down the ground, I stared into the mask,

"Every night, many souls die from her hands, did she like it? No, Did she give them peace? No, Did she tried finish their sufferings fast? No,"- He stood up and look at me,

"My mistress is a suicidal woman who looks strong, invincible, and not easy to break, but inside I know by heart that she's beyond repair for someone whose an asshole as you,"- He put his sword back and turned to Her,

Flashback ends.
(At his room// Night)

She looks strong, strong-willed lady, passionate and not easy to sway, does all this teasing and threatening was because she didnt know how to make me stay? Why? Why me? Why me Elizabeth?'- i thought as I stared at the moon from the window,

After that fight, she was approached by Kuro and talk for a while, I dusted myself after I stood up all, she appraoched me and look at me from head to toe, after that she nods and walk away,

I dont get that woman, why? It all the things that happened-also my doings- why did she wish to have me by her side? Why?

I cannot sleep at all, and the night is already late, I sighed and go outside the room, I started walking aimlessly around the mansion's ground,

I was thinking deeply I didn't saw nor hear someone trying to kill me,

"Watch out,"- I was pulled into a pair of soft arms as I stumbled and gripped to her kimono in bewilderment,

"Ah, another one, and I thought I got rid of intruders in my watch,"- She mumbled and I heard a swish of clothing and metal peircing skin, I heard a strangled choke and a thud after,

A moment of silence..


"Ah I killed another person and you witness my unsightly ferrorcious side tonight, I lost a few points of being an Ideal wife am I right? *chuckles*"- She said playfully as she hugged me,

I felt her hands tremble, her heart near my ear beating fast than regular, and her breathing were shakily,

She is...a fragile woman...

"Elizabeth-"- I started but she cut me off,

"Let us go back to your quarters, who even told you to wander off late? Trying to look for escape?"- She asked teasingly, but it didnt go unnoticed to me that her grip tightens on my hand,

We walk back to my room silently, she never look back to me, I tried to observe her carefully,

'Elizabeth...what will I do to you?'- I thought as I watch her go,

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