Chapter 12

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No one's pov,

Elizabeth was looking at the papers stock up on her table, she sighed, massaged her temple and glared at the innocent papers,

Elizabeth pov,

"This is all the recent activities of the Haruka mafia while I'm gone?"- I asked pissed, the sub heads gulped and nodded,

I sighed exasperated, they all dared to do lowly thieving without MY COMMAND?!

Glaring at all of the mens here (total of 50 actually) they all cowered in fear and bent down lowly to the floor immediately asking for forgiveness,

I sighed before looking outside the  clear garden of my family's mansion, deciding their pumishment,

"My Husband is a scholar of another country, I want him to know the basic swordsmen, Teach him, ALL OF YOU,"- I said sternly, they all nodded still nervous,

"Well what are you all waiting for?! GET YOUR ASSES OUT OF HERE!"- I shouted, they all scampered away,

I smirked as I settled down to my swivel chair,

"Mistress, that is..."- I look to my head maid, Maria, who had a look of doubt on her face,

"They'll be all fine, afterall, I'm giving my husband a gift,"- I smirked as I handed her a short sword with a red sheath with golden dragon symbol, I smiled at her as she look at me shock,

"M-Mistress! T-This sword i-is for-!!!"- She gasped, I sighed and plopped my chin to my palm,

"Well...he's an honorable man...aside from his past... Heh.."- I said and turn to her,

"Give it to him, and tell him the overall crimes of those guys,"- I said, waving her off, she nodded and left my study room,

Heine's pov,

50 bulky men came crashing to my room and disturbed my studying, we all stared at each other


(Heine:why are they looking at me so shock?)

"S-Sir...y-youre s-sir Haine?"- They asked, I nodded, they all paled and statued,

"Why? Is there any problem?"- I asked them, they immediately shook their heads and sat outside the room, I stared at them bewildered,

"Why are you all here?"- I asked them as I shut my book from the table and put my attention to them,

"M-Mistress Haruka t-told us t-to train y-you swordsmanship"- They all stuttered, nervously looking away from me,

(Heine: Why are they looking away from me?)

"Okay..."- I said, we all got to the training grounds and they started teaching me with wooden swords, and somehow, I was having fun,

We're nearly at the end of the lesson when a maid came towards me,

"Heine-sama, Ojou-sama wants you to possess this,"- She handed me a short sword with red sheath and golden dragon,

(Men: O-OH NO!!!! THE SHORT SWORD!!!!*screams in horror inside mind*)

"This is"- I asked shocked at the same time amused at the sword,

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