Chapter 5

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Sephtis's pov,

Its already dead of the night yet I was awoken by a sound,

No...its not really a sound, more like a whiff of a noise, I stood up from the bed and take my weapons, still in my white kimono, I walk outside to the halls,

"Where is it? Come on! People are gonna be awake if we make a sound"- I heard voice in a distant hallway, the moon illuminated at the windows letting me see the people who were intruders,

Something caught my eyes,

'Wait, isn't that a mafia's tattoo?! How did they manage to get here?!!'- I asked myself as I took my shuriken's out,

"You're all late"- I stopped my approach and look at them,

'Whose that white haired man?' i asked myself as I look at them from afar, hiding with the very large vase,

"Kill the successors,"-

'What the f***?!' I thought as I glared at them,

"Who might you be then?"- The loons asked him,

"No one, go off then"- He said, I glared harder and with a flick of my wrist, the loons died on the spot,my weapons implanted on their necks

I walk silently walk to the man who was standing there alone,

"Ah... Are you the assistant of that little proffessor,"- He said, still not looking at my direction,

"...." I flick my wrist and grazed his nape, though my goal is that white hair,

He turned to me and I saw those purpluish orbs of the man casted by the shadows of his hair,

"Sleep" I felt my body stopped and immediately collapsed at the ground, conciousness slipping away, I watch as the man walk away,

"The hair..."

Sir Heine's pov,

I woke up in the morning but I didn't saw Sephtis, I dressed up quickly and look around the halls,

"Proffessor,"- I look behind me and saw the personal butler of the King,

"Yes? Is there a problem?"- I asked him,

"His Royal Highness, wants to talk to you at the infirmary,"-He said, my brows furrowed but I followed him,

"Your highness, the proffessor is here,"-

"Send him in"- The door opened and I go inside,

"Sephtis!"- My eyes widened as I face her to mine,

Blunt eyes and cold expression, aside from that, she looks pale,

"Sephtis, Sephtis look at me, Its me Haine, Sephtis, Sephtis!"- I loudened my voice, I look at her irises and they look dazed,

"Hypnotism,"- I said, Standing up and fetching a basin of water, the king just stood there,

"Sephtis,"- I said, Soaking her hands to the basin of cold water, nothing, I sighed,

"You leave me no choice,"- I muttered, dropping the water on her head,

"*gasp* M-Master?! H-How, W-why?! t-there's a man last night and the mafia and ugh!"- I sighed as Sephtis fall asleep,

"Proffessor, We need to talk about this matter, along with the last night's event,"- Viktor said, I nodded my head and gently laid her head on the pillows,

"Please tell the maids to dress her up neatly, I don't want her getting sick,"- I said, he nodded and we left the room,


"This Lady... Did you already know her past?"- He asked me, we're at his chambers,

"Yes,"- I said, he look at me seriously,

"Before you met her at the cliff,"- He said, My eyes widened, but then I look at him with a blunt expression,

"No, not really, all she said to me before was she better be off dead than die on someone's hands,"- I said, thinking back of our first encounter,

"Proffessor, The Name Annabelle Sephtis, is not her true name, its an allias,"- He said, taking up a folder and give it to me,

"This is..."- I stared at the picture,

"Princess Elizabeth Haruka,

The only heir of the Haruka Household and the Black Lilly Mafia, has been kept inside their mansion to train but then a tragedy happened,

The Haruka Household burned down to ashes and the heir has been kidnapped, her current age that time is 16 y/o, and after that, they don't know what happened, "

I stared at her pictures, its was limited and I can see that she's a princess, a true one...

"You've been keeping someone you do not know...for a long time, 14 years, Heine,"- I clenched my fist,

"What do you have in mind then?"-I asked him,

"Frankly speaking, I like her to get out of my sight, eventhough that facts are laid out here, it doesn't mean that her mafia is not working looking for her, Heine, I don't want to go to war because of this, but it will lead into two sitiuations,

If they knew that she is here, and we dont do anything, they will assume that we kept her here and they will start a war to get her,

Or if one of them really knew she's here, they'll kill anyone, anyone I tell you, because its been so long since their princess got caught,"- Viktor said, I look down,

"But I relied so much to her, I cannot imagine not to be with her, she's important to me,"- I said, looking down the pictures of her,

"I know you do Heine, but please, you're gonna risk my family too, please understand my stand, they will kill my boys or worst, abduct my kingdom,"- He said, I sighed, frowning a little,

"Think it through Heine, I will give you their address, do this not as my friend, but as a royal tutor"- he said, giving a piece of paper to me with the address,

'Kami-sama, what will I do?'

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