Chapter 35

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Elizabeth, Watching as more extravagant guest came at the Mansion she picked out earlier, politicians, artists, noble families and the like were arriving to fill in into her puppetier,

A set up, ah yes indeed, With the nobles of high status mingle in this mansion, Northwig's post must be completing his task of wrecking the hideouts of these despicable people,

Not that she has a grudge on all of them, She was only infuriated by that 3rd person who wants to kill Heine, Sizing them up here, her red and black corps are assigned all around the place, both in the light and dark working around the mansion and on the streets,

Her target for today, The 3rd guy that she was talking about about, was one of the Royal Family's branch, 3rd Noble aristrocrat, Genos Heirt, 39 years old, rich, powerful, menacing, and an underground Mafia Lord- BLACK PEACOCK MAFIA,

How did they get associated? 10 years ago, his rats were buying goods (aka street children) in Heine's hometown, angered and furious, She was told by Heine to eliminate those people, it was not an easy task,

Instead of seeing a flamboyant peacock hiding its ugliness behind, it was a rat sneaking in the sewers and trying to capture the goods all at once, Disgusted, She told her people to seek Northwig to give her a poisonous gas to kill these pest, success she had, But because that poison was known by Genos, He held grudges directly to Northwig who was known as the Poison Master in the Mafia World, nobody assumed that the Mafia Queen Elizabeth was there to plot their mishaps, so he immediately lock his eyes on Northhwig,

As for trying to Kill Heine, Genos always belittle Elizabeth for being a female, so, why would she hold back down on this big baby?! No way!

Soon, Genos came with his wife and 3 children, all in age that ranges from 10-13, Elizabeth arched a brow as she stared at this conspicuous peacock,

"Did he really think that I, Queen Elizabeth of Haruka Mafia, will spare the people around this mansion and his life just because of his children? Is he that dumb?! Want to end your branch? Come in!"- Elizabeth murmmured as she glared at Genos' way,

As the party started, Elizabeth from the second floor, descended down the grand staircase as she look around in a haughty but queenly way, the sparkling gold dress that adorned her makes everyone dazzled, her ice blue hair curled in an elegant waves like the ocean, her full lips red as  crimson and deep blue eyes sharp,

'Queen' even without a crown, this person held herself as the queen of all,

Sitting in her throne, she look at everyone before speaking,

"Ladies and Gentlemen, I, Elizabeth Haruka of the most well known family, Haruka Clan, will host this party in regrds to those who we have close ties and to build a grandiore power inside this country,"- she picked up a glass with wine and raise it up,

"I would like to propose a toast, for the future businesses, success and prosperity of us all,"- everyone held their wine glass up and toast, smirking as she act to drink, she watched as the party commenced, the night is young, but their lives... they never know...


R:Hiiii everyone!Happy new year! Here is my gift to all of you patient readers!

Also, Let's settle the score here!

If Author didn't made atleasts 1-3 updates a day? That means I'll need to update everyday, deal? Deal! XD

See you all around! And thank you for sticking with me and my books >♡<

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