Chapter 11

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Heine's pov,

My conciousness finally came back to me, blinking to clear my vision, I was inside a japanese style mansion, I tried to sit up, I did successfully, looking around the room was dim and cold, I felt its a prison in comparison, but there were no bars or chains,

"Where am I?"- I look around,

I was not beaten up nor chained, there was no evidence of violence done to me,

'Odd'- I thought, standing up and going to the slidding door,

"Oh, Heine-sama you are awake, that is good, ojou-sama will be please,"- I was blocked by a tall elder woman,

'Ojou-sama? I'm baffled,'- I thought as I look at her,

"Uhm.. May I kindly ask who is this 'Ojou-sama?'- I asked politely,

"Ah, you weren't familiar of her status before, yes yes, Ojou-sama told me, Ojou-sama is Haruka Elizabeth, She was with you when she get back at her family Mansion,"- the elder woman said, I blinked,

"Elizabeth....Haruka?"- I mumbled, It was her...

"Please eat first, Heine-sama, Ojou-sama said she'll meet with you at lunch,- she said and left a tray of delicious japanese meal,

No one's pov,

After Heine eat, Male servants helped him take a bath and dressed into a plain red yukata, they directed him into another room of the place, looking around, this place has no walls, the scenery is green fields and its all peaceful,

'Contrary of the fact that this land is where the dirtied hands of my ex-apprentice lives'- Heine gave out an unaudible sigh,

"Please wait here Heine-sama, Ojou-sama will be here in a little while"- A servant said and left him  inside a spacious room,

"Now where am I again?"- Heine sighed and sit in the middle of the empty room,

'I wonder what will happen now? Princess Elizabeth took me to her teritory, I am taken care of, I am not punished and I am well-fed...but the question is why? What's behind this acts of kindness?'-He thought as he put his hand under his chin, thinking hard,

Unknown to him, Elizabeth was already outside the room, gazing to the large pond infront of the closed room,

The door opened, revealing Elizabeth in her black kimino, its decorated with white linings of sakura flowers,

"Good day, Heine-darling,"- In her voice is sweet and teasing, but her eyes held a thousand emotions Haine could see most was all negative,

"Good day to you too, Ojou-sama,"- Heine said politely, his guard never ceased, after she closed the door, Elizabeth smirked at this, sitting next to him- which was, totally invading his personal space- She wrapped her fair arms caged him to her embrace,

"Awe~ why so polite Heine-darling? Be a little sweet, after all," -Heine felt her elegant fingers tilting his chin up to look at her face that's also near his,

"You are mine,"- Heine's eyes widened, as she dip down her face and stole a passionate kiss from his lips, She pushed him down, wrist above his head was held by her hands were rather tight,

"Heine-darling, Youre mine and mine alone~ If anyone tries to steal you from me..."- She leaned too close for his liking, her eyes glinted dangerously,

"Death,"- She said and stole another kiss from his lips, Heine was stunned,

'The royal family...and Viktor, that city will be in danger because of me?'- He cannot accept that fact, but he also didn't want them to die,

'A sealed faith...within my hands...I need to play alone for their safety,'- I thought as I stared at her darken orbs,

"Why am I here, Ojou-sama?"- I asked after a minute of silence,

"Why You ask? Heh, its because you're mine"- She said as she stand up properly and adjusted her kimono, she look down o his splayed form and smirked,

"Until then, Heine-Darling,"- She said and left him inside the room

'Why? ... Why did this happens?'

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