Chapter 19

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Heine's pov,

I woke up by midnight, I heard faint noises from outside the estate,

'Why were there noises outside? I thought the guards and servants were from Gung Yoo's post?'- I thought as I blink my eyes and turned to look at Elizabeth,

She was half-asleep, her hands reaches to the study table near the bed and she opens the drawers one by one,

"(Groans) Gung Yoo, that idiot"- he grumbles, sitting up and taking her hand guns out and loaded it up, she sighs before she look behind and lean towards me,

"Good eve, Heine,"- she mumbles, kissing my forehead before she stood up and run out swiftly and quietly out the room,

I worry-slightly- because Elizabeth is half asleep, I can help her, I know how to use a gun, but she keeps me out of the battlefield since...

"She keeps me out of the battlefield... for so long..."- I mumbled, I jumped out of the bed and look through the drawers she left open,

"(Sweatdrops) these are many"- I said as I took few hand guns and loaded them up, I took a leather bag and put the guns there, then I go outside the dark hallways and heard the gunshots from the living room, I positioned on the center of the second floor, calling Elizabeth as I shot a person wearing black clothes,

"Oh, Hi Heine (yawns)" she said groggily, I rolled my eyes and helped her kill the intruders,

"Heine-darling, dont shoot anything other than the pest okay?"- She called out, before she enters the kitchen, few intruders followed her, I just hummed and took out all the incoming intruders from the second floor,

When Elizabeth came out of the kitchen, she throw the flour pack mid-air,

"Shoot it!"- I immediately shoot it, the flour exploded and falls down the floor, there were wires attached to all places, from high to low, no wonder she told me not to shoot other than the intruders, there were traps,

I saw that Elizabeth run out of bullets, she threw it straight to the intruder's face and trampled it down,

"Elizabeth Catch!"- I shouted, Taking a gun out from the bag as I throw towards her direction, she caught it and killed the intruder,

A few minutes past, all the intruders were dead, Elizabeth was standing in the middle of the sea of black corpse, she stretches her body and yawns,

"Exercise in midnight? Seriously Gung Yoo that idiot"- She said, ruffling her hair and goes up to my place,

"Thanks for the hand Heine"- She said and leaned down to cup my chin and kiss my lips, My eyes widened and my cheeks warms up,

"Let's go to bed, I'm gonna beat Gung Yoo up later (yawns)"- She mutters and walks towards the room, I trailed after her with the bag of guns, I put the guns on the table and slip next to her, she cuddled me and I felt light shakes of her hand and her shaky breathe, I look at her face, before I hugged her back and kissed her forehead,


When the sun was peeking in the tall windows, I woke up, only to find Elizabeth staring at me with a warm expression, I honestly dont want to acknowledge that expression so I groaned a little and reached to her face to lightly flicked her forehead,

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