XVII- TA Again

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By the end of the day it's time for me to go to Mr. Morgan's and I'm convinced this was a bad idea. Maybe I should've continued to distance myself from him. "Are you excited?" Dean asks beside me.

I stop in front of Mr. Morgan's room, "For what?"

"The masquerade. It's next week." I didn't even think he remembered. "I know I haven't officially asked yet but...do you want to be my date?" Dean looks so cute as he asks.

I laugh, "Aren't I always your date?"

He makes a pouty face with his lips, "That's not a yes."

I reach up and give Dean a kiss on the nose, "Yes." He smiles wide, kissing me goodbye before I make my way into the classroom.

"I'm not going to lie, I'm glad you decided to come back." My teacher tells me without taking his eyes off the screen.

I set my bag down, dragging a chair to the other side of his desk. There's already a stack of papers with an answer key on top. I try to focus on that as I respond, "I just needed some space to think." He understood that this morning.

"Livia, we never had anything. You don't have anything to worry about." I know he's not meaning it to be mean but his words sting a little bit.

I sigh, "I didn't think it was anything." It's a lie, we had something I could feel it. He seemed like he could feel it too but maybe he just took pity on me. 

Mr. Morgan doesn't respond, he simply keeps typing away on his computer. It's his signature move that I've noticed. Whenever he doesn't want to talk he just makes himself seem busy. I'm not mad at him, I just make myself busy too.

When the hour passes I look at my phone to see a text from Dean, he's not able to pick me up. I've really got to get my license. I grab the stack of graded papers and take them to the supply closet. Thankfully the box is on a shelf I can reach and it's easy for me to put them up. When I walk out I pick up my bag and head for the door, "I should start heading home, I'll see you tomorrow."

He stands and closes his laptop, "I thought I told you I could give you a ride whenever you needed one?" I nod, waiting for him to gather his things before walking out behind me. His whole demeanor is different, like every move he makes is calculated. I keep trying to figure out the pattern that is Mr. Morgan. However, I've come to the conclusion that it's simply impossible. Mr. Morgan is complicated, he has a past and he lets it harden him in some way. The only time I've seen Mr. Morgan vulnerable, was when I was vulnerable too. Maybe that's why there was such an intense spark between us. Maybe he didn't take pity on me, we just had something in common. Or maybe I'm reading way too much into things.

The whole way to his car is filled with a comfortable silence. I smile as I notice how slow he's walking so that I can keep up with him. It's not a secret that I'm not very tall but compared to him I seem so small.

When we get in the car he begins driving, "I just need to make a stop at my house if that's okay? It's on the way." He says.

I nod, "Okay."

He pulls out the school parking lot as I try to guess where he lives. I imagine a small apartment with a rustic aspect to it. I'm completely incorrect when I see him turn into a neighborhood with nice family homes. It's really only a couple of streets down from my house. To my surprise Mr. Morgan pulls into a driveway leading to a two story house. The side paneling is a pastel yellow with white shutters and a wood door. The house looks like it just needs a white picket fence and screaming kids to be complete. "This is your house?" I ask as I continue to stare at it.


"And you live alone?" I know I'm being nosy but I can't help myself.

"Yes." He smiles. Mr. Morgan gets out of the car and when he sees that I'm not following him he walks over to my door and opens it. "You might as well come in."

I internally debate on whether or not that's a good idea. On one hand, I made out with him a couple of times and going inside his house is like an invitation to make out. On the other hand, I'm genuinely curious about what the inside looks like. I know curiosity killed the cat but that side wins as I unbuckle my seatbelt and follow Mr. Morgan to the door.

As he unlocks it he says, "I just need to reset my new alarms. I had a break in a few days ago."

This grabs my attention, "Oh my God, are you okay?" He opens the door and gestures for me to walk in first. I gladly do so, taking in the layout of his home.

"Yeah, I wasn't home. It was probably just a couple of kids being stupid but just in case I got the alarms." He walks over to his system by the door and types in a code.

I walk further into the house, making my way into the living room with a normal setting. His home is different from mine, it's cozy. I don't mean that at all in a bad way, I wish mine was like this. It actually looks like people live here whereas mine looks modern and cold. "Mr. Morgan this is-"

"Shawn, outside of school." He interrupts, walking up to me. "I know it's not as fancy as yours."

I shake my head, "I'd take this over fancy any day." I continue to look around. "Your house is beautiful, although this isn't what I expected your place to look like."

Shawn looks at me for a moment before explaining, "I know what you mean. This house is the reason I moved here actually. It was my uncle's house, he left it to me when he died."

I turn to him, grabbing his hand. It seems to surprise him, "I'm really sorry to hear that." I couldn't imagine losing a loved one. Not to mention they must've been close if he gave Shawn his house.

"It's okay...I'm done setting up the alarms so we can go." I watch him walk over and open the door for me. I walk out with him following behind me.

"I couldn't imagine if someone broke into my place. I would be terrified." I admit as we get into the car.

Shawn starts the car and pulls out of the driveway. "Are you home alone a lot?" He asks.

I nod, "My parents own an interior design company. They get jobs all over the country so they're always gone for long periods of time."

"Yeah I guess I know how that feels." I never thought about him being alone before. Maybe we have even more in common than I originally thought. Again with the maybe's.

I look over to see a warm smile spread across his face. I realize that I really enjoy his smile. He seems to only do it when it's genuine and I respect that about him. You don't get a lot of real smile's today...it's nice.

"Here we are." I turn my gaze away from him and to my house. To my surprise, Bee's car is in the driveway. I take out my phone and turn it on to see missed calls and messages from both her and Jenny.

I grab my bag and turn to my teacher, "Thanks for the ride Mr.- Shawn. I'll see you tomorrow." He says goodbye as I get out of his car and walk up to Becca sitting in her car. When she notices me she steps out looking worried.

"I've been trying to get a hold of you." She says.

I look behind her and see Jenny in the passenger seat crying, "What's wrong?"

Bee shrugs, "Jenny wouldn't tell me without you so I drove here."

"Okay come in guys." Bee turns around to let Jenny know while I unlock my door and let them in.

As Jenny and Becca walk in and make their way to my couch I notice Jenny's hands shaking. I can tell she's really freaked so I run in the kitchen and grab her a glass of water. "What happened Jen?" I ask as I hand it to her.

Whatever it is I can tell it's big...really big.

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