XXVIII- Happy Anniversary to the Happy Couple

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Hope you enjoy the chapter my lovelies!

I run my hand over my red dress as I look in the mirror. "You look beautiful." My mom says from behind me. I turn my head to look at her in the doorway. I hadn't realized she was here.

"Mom," I say. "How long have you been home?"

She walks in and sits down on my bed. "Just now. It's just me, your dad is back in Denver. I forgot some paperwork for our client so I came home to grab it."

I nod, "So you're not staying?"

My mom shakes her head before changing the topic. "What's the occasion?"

"It's me and Dean's anniversary, he's picking me up any minute."

"How many years has it been now? Two or three?"

"Three." I remind her.

My mom stands up and has me turn to look in the mirror so she can fix my hair. "It's getting so long." She says as she runs her fingers through my curls. I look at my mom through the mirror, her hair is almost as long as mine. The only difference is she puts highlights in hers.

This is always the hardest part about my parents coming home. I know I could leave and when I come back they'd be gone again. A part of me wishes they were terrible to me and didn't care about me. I feel like it would be easier since they're never here.

The doorbell rings and my moms motions come to a stop. "That must be Dean, I'll get it." She walks out while I grab a cardigan and make my way downstairs.

Dean is by the stairs laughing with my mom. When he sees me his face lights up, "Doesn't she look amazing?" He asks my mom as he kisses my cheek. Dean is holding roses and hands them to me.

My mom giggles and just like that she's under his spell. He's always been so good with my parents. "You don't look so bad yourself." I compliment as I take the flowers and look at their beauty.

"I'll put these in water, you two go have fun." My mom says, shoeing us out.

We say goodbye to my mom and get to his car. He opens my door for me before getting inside, when he starts driving I ask, "Where are you taking me?"

He takes his eyes off the road momentarily to look at me and smile, "It's a surprise." About half an hour into our drive we finally come to a stop at a lake in the middle of nowhere. How he even found this place is beyond me. Dean gets out and jogs to the other side to let me out. Before I can take in my surroundings he pulls something out of his pocket. "Here, wear this." Dean demands softly, pulling the blindfold over my eyes. Just as I'm about to protest he assures me, "Don't worry, I'll guide you." He takes my hand and we begin walking. When we come to a stop Dean takes my blind fold off. I gasp at the sight in front of me. We stand at the end of the dock where the lake is lit up by the candles on the table. In between the candles is a single rose inside a small vase. "Do you like it?" Dean asks.

I walk over to the table and notice the bucket of ice with a bottle of champagne inside it. "This is amazing I-" I turn to Dean, "How did you do all of this?"

At my question Dean smiles and walks over to a chair. He pulls it out and gestures for me to sit. Once he's done he crosses the table to his side and sits down, "The champagne I found in my dad's liquor cabinet and everything else was put together pretty easily." Dean grabs the champagne and fills the two glasses on the table. I've never had champagne but I go along with Dean's movements.

I look over at the lake, "It's really beautiful out here." I admit.

Dean's gaze stays on me, "I know what you mean." He says softly. I feel a blush creep up on my face and turn my gaze to Dean.

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