Chapter 5

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Katniss P.O.V.

"Need some company?" I look up to see Finnick walk into the small room. "Everybody's looking for you."

"That's why I'm here," I say. "I thought nobody could find me."

"If it's any consolation, Coin is sticking to her promise."

"I just wish she'd give me some more detail."

"Well, what do you want to know?"

"I'd like to know how long she thinks this will take."

Finnick shrugs. "Two weeks at the most."

"I guess that's understandable," I say. "This is a risky… Wait a minute." I stop and look over at Finnick. "How would you know?"

"Coin trusts me, I guess."

"But she doesn't trust me," I say.

"It's not like that, Katniss. Coin isn't telling you much because she doesn't want…" Finnck stops, searching for his words.

"To deal with an emotional, pregnant woman right now?" I ask. 

"Will you hit me if I say exactly?"

I laugh a little and shake my head.

"Have you seen any of the videos?" I ask Finnick.

"Just one," he replies. "The last one that came in. I think it's what made Coin realize that this is more serious than she thought."

"Finnick, can you tell me what happened on that last video?" I ask him, desperate for answers. "All Gale would tell me is that Peeta's life is in danger."

"Well, that's one way to put it," Finnick says. "Look, if you want to see it for yourself, ask Coin. But I really don't think I should tell you."

"Coin won't show me the video," I say. "I know she won't."

Finnick takes a deep breath. "Okay. I will tell you that Snow has Peeta believing that you and the baby are dead."

My mouth falls open. "I know Snow has a sick mind, but why would he have Peeta believing that?"

As soon as the question leaves my mouth, I realize the all too obvious answer.

"He's trying to get Peeta to give up," I say as a sick feeling settles in my stomach. "Oh my gosh." I run a hand through my hair as I start panicking. My breaths are really fast and shallow, and I'm feeling lightheaded.

"If Peeta thinks that we're dead, then he'll think that he has nothing left to live for. He'll stop fighting, and Snow will win," I say quietly, but in a nervous tone.

"Katniss, you've got to calm down," Finnick tells me.

"No. No. Peeta has to know that I'm alive," I say. "He has to know that we are alive. That me and the baby are okay."

"Okay," Finnick says as he nods his head. "But Coin is right. You just need to rest until we get Peeta out. I'll talk to Haymitch. We'll get something figured out." Finnick gets ready to leave, but I stop him.

"Wait a minute," I say quickly. "Why are you helping me?"

"It doesn't matter why," Finnick says. "Just be glad that someone's on your side."

"Are you going to open it?" I look over at Prim and raise an eyebrow.

"Open what?"

"The letter you've been carrying around," Prim says.

I shrug my shoulders. "I will eventually."

"It might make you feel better," Prim tells me.

"I doubt it," I mumble as I lay back on the bed.

Prim sighs. "Have you thought of any names for the baby?"

"If Peeta and I have a girl, we've decided to name her Willow." Prim nods, and looks down at the floor. "Do you want to help pick out a boy's name?"

Prim gives me an excited smile and nods her head.

"I'll let you know if I think of any."

I take a deep breath and lay a hand on my stomach. "I wish I could be more excited about all of this. And maybe I could be if things were different. I just… I don't know how I'm going to live if something were to happen to Peeta. Especially with a newborn baby to raise by myself."

"Peeta will be okay," Prim tells me. "But just know that no matter what happens, me and Mom will always be here to help you."

I smile at her. "I know, Prim."

"There's something else bothering you, isn't there?"

"I just can't imagine how Peeta's feeling, or what he's going through. I know that Snow's probably torturing him. And now, Peeta thinks that me and the baby are dead." I stop and shake my head. "I just hope Peeta doesn't give up before he's rescued."

"You have to hope and have faith that he's okay," Prim tells me.

"It doesn't feel like enough to hold on to," I say. "I need to know that he'll be alright."

Prim leans her head over onto my shoulder.

"Just don't give up, Katniss," Prim tells me. "He loves you."

"I know," I say truthfully. I know how much Peeta loves me and our baby. That's why I'm so scared that he'll stop fighting Snow if he thinks that he won't have us to come home to.

I owe it to Peeta to do what I can to save him. Not just for my sake, either. Peeta deserves to live. He's too kind and innocent. He has way too much love in his heart for me just to abandon him and try to move on.

"I love him too," I say quietly. "And I won't give up. That's not an option for me right now."

"Katniss, I know Mom's probably told you this, but you have to relax and make sure that you're not stressing too much."

"That's impossible," I tell her. "But I'm trying my best." I really am trying to stay calm for the baby, but that only adds to my anxiety. I have too many people I'm worried about right now, but I can't help it. Prim. Peeta. This baby. Those three mean the most to me. I have to keep them safe.

And there'd better be nobody who stands in my way.
Yes, I do have a lot of ideas and I'n working on two more chapters right now, but I'd like to know if there's anything specific you'd like to see.

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