Chapter 32

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Katniss P.O.V.

"You don't have to stay here with me tonight, you know," I tell Prim as I sit down beside of her on the bed.

"I know I don't have to," Prim tells me. "I want to though."

I smile at her and give her a tight hug.

"I probably need someone to make sure I don't go crazy anyways," I say.

Prim looks up at me and frowns. "Are you okay?"

I take a deep breath. "Would you believe me if I said yes?" Prim shakes her head. "Yeah," I sigh, "That's what I thought."

"Peeta's going to be okay," she tells me.

"Maybe eventually," I say. "But as for now, he's not okay, and I don't know what to do. That look in Peeta's eyes..." I trail off and shake my head. "I never imagined that Peeta would ever look at me like that."

A dreadful thought occurs to me, and it makes me feel sick.

"He's not Peeta anymore."


"I mean, Peeta's still in there somewhere I just... That's not him," I say as I shake my head. "And I wish I could say that it's all Snow's fault, but it's not. It's Coin's fault too, and they both will pay for it."

I take a deep breath and hold back the tears. "Prim, maybe you should go stay with Mom tonight."

"No, Katniss."

"I just want to be alone for right now, okay?"

"You sure you'll be alright?"

"I'll be fine, Prim," I say as I wrap my arms around her. She gives me an uncertain look before leaving the room.

I take another deep breath and press a hand to my stomach as the tears fall. The baby begins moving, and I flinch a little.

"Hi, baby," I whisper softly. "You've got to help Mommy get through this, alright? Daddy's sick, and..." I stop and take a deep breath. "And I don't know when he's going to get better. But I need you to stick it out with me. Okay?"

I feel her foot against my hand, and I can't help but to smile.

"But don't you worry, little one. Daddy's going to be okay. He has to be."

There's a knock at the door, and I take a deep breath.

"Come in!" I holler, not really wanting to get up off the bed. Haymitch walks into the room and just looks at me.

"I just come by to see how you're holding up."

"As good as I can for now," I reply as I blink back the tears.

"Be honest," Haymitch tells me. I sigh as he sits down beside of me.

"Honestly," I begin,"the only reason I'm not insane right now is because I'm pregnant. I know that I have to stay strong for Willow."

Haymitch gives me a look. "Who?"

"Willow," I repeat as I rub a hand across my stomach. "That's what Peeta and I are going to name her."

"Does Peeta know it's a girl?"

"Yeah," I reply. "And my baby's not an 'it.' She's a baby."

"Sorry," Haymitch mutters.

I laugh a bit. "Be honest with me, Haymitch. Do you think that Peeta will be okay before the baby's born?"

Haymitch takes a deep breath. "I don't know what to tell you, Katniss."

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