part 5

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I woke up in the morning with my thigh hurting like a bitch. I got up and realized I was wearing shorts so I got on a pair of leggings for the day along with a logang t-shirt.

I walk out to see ayla sitting on the couch already and I look at the clock, it's only 8:30, she's here earlier than usual. I sit down on the floor where I usually sit, it's oddly comfy. We have a morning chat before logan even gets up.

We mostly talk about how logan has to leave for his show soon and I have the choice to come with, or she can stay here with me. Of course I choose to go with because I don't wanna miss out on a vacation.

Finally logan walks out and walks into the living room for some morning tv before we start our day.

He looks at ayla and she looks back with a worried expression that they think I don't notice. I've learned to be very observant from what's happened in my life.

Before long ayla starts the conversation. "So, logan, where is the location for your show? I was only told to ask Doreen if she wanted to go or not." She asks.

"Its in Wisconsin, we're going to a small town called salem." He says.

"Oh, what are you filming?" Ayla asks.

"I'm filming a new movie about a small town family who moves to the big city. We need some of the beginning scenes to be back in the small town and this is the nicest small town we could find." He laughs.

"Haha, that sounds like me" i laugh. "I grew up in a small town" I tell them.  It was a small house too, 2 bedrooms. My parents and grandparents took one and me and my 2 sisters and 3 brothers took the other.

"That's pretty cool, so what do you say? Wanna come with?" He asks me.

"Yeah, I've never really traveled a lot before so this should be fun." I tell them. They both smile before we get up to go eat breakfast.

Kong runs up and jumps on me as we all wall to the kitchen so I pick him up. Soon after that maverick flys up to my shoulder and lands on me. I must be an animal person as ayla and logan are laughing at the the incident.

It's only been a few days here and I'm already doing better than that hell house and my old house... maybe things happened for a reason.

Well...besides last night I guess.

Ayla then looks at me and says "I think we're gonna go swim suit shopping today, Doreen."


"Oh okay, I can't wait." I say with a fake smile. I avoid eye contact with everybody to hide the fear in my eyes. I'll just have to get shorts on the bottoms, I hope she doesn't ask questions about me getting shorts.


After breakfast logan asks if he can join, he says he has nothing else going on today and would like to spend time with us. I hid my emotions behind a mask of a smile when ayla said "sure" and we headed out the door.

My stomach had butterflies everywhere and I couldn't control it.
I felt like I was about to puke. We got into the car and it seemed to sooth me as I thought of a plan to hide my scars, my big ugle scars.


We soon arrived at Kohls and got out of the car. Ayla looked at me and asked "what type of suit do you normally wear? Shorts, bikini, one piece?"

"Well I usually wear shorts." I tell her, relieved that she gave me that option.

We walk into the store and start heading for the swimsuit section as logan gets distracted by just about everything. Everytime he see something ayla rolls her eyes and drags him along.

We finally get to the bathing suit section and I see tons and tons of different swimsuits, more than I comprehended before.

Ayla starts looking through the shorts first to find a cute pair and she pulls out a few, one black and white, one grey, and one grey with random white designs on it. All of them being the kind that are about half the length as boy shorts, just enough to cover my scars.

She then moves on to tops and manages to find the prettiest top. It has black straps all through the back like a corset, and a plain black front.

I try on the top first and it fits perfectly to my body, along with being very comfortable.

I then go to try on the shorts. I find the plain black ones to work the best and I show them to ayla, she loves them right off the bat and tho la I shouldn't even try on anything else.

I soon get them off and put my normal clothes back on to go find a suit for ayla. By the time I come out I see her already holding tons of different suits for me to tell her which one looks best on her.

She changes quickly but tries on 5 million different suits to find the perfect one, finally she desires on the red lifeguard one from Baywatch.

We soon start to head to the men's section for logan to force him to up his style in bathing suits because he supposedly tore his last pair doing the splits.

I laugh at the story from ayla as he desides on an American flag pair of shorts. It suits him well. We the  go to the front to pay for our items.

We get in the car and logan starts driving in the wrong direction of the house, me and ayla both confused before he stops at a private pool he rented just for us and says "time to try out our new suits today" as he gets out of the car.

Me and ayla smile at each other before going into the little bathroom to change in the stalls.

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