part 15

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I walked back into the house. I looked around first to see the only person in the room was jake. Great...

He looked up at me and walked upstairs in his own little walk of shame. He knew he did wrong.

"Hey, team 10 is out for the day, they decided to go somewhere when they booked the room for a few nights, it's just gonna be me and you for the day."
Chance said to me.

"Okay" I said with a bright smile.

"What do you say we go to an amusement park? We could invite logan and brendon." He told me.

"Really? We can? I've never been to one." I said.

"Well then, let's go. I'll call logan and see what he's up to." He told me as he walked out of the room for a second.

Not to much later he came back in and gave me a thumbs up before grabbing some car keys to go.

"This is gonna be fun, I love roller coasters" he told me.

"I'm stoked" I told him with a huge grin plasterd on my face.


After a long car ride we finally arrived at a place called 6 flags.

"Hey" logan said as we met him at the front. He was a lot more toneddown than usual. He didn't have the  pep in his step that he usually had, and I'm pretty sure I can guess why.

He had bags under his eyes and his posture had a slight slouch to it.

"Hey Logan" I said as I hugged him. "Hey brendon" we just high fived, we're both not big huggers.

"So you ready to go?" Logan asked me.

"Heck yeah" I responded with enthusiasm.

He smiled and led us inside, he already paid for the tickets by the time we got there and we all scanned them in line.

We walked in and the first thing brendon said was "I think everybody's first roller coaster is always the wizzer because it's one of the smallest"

"Agreed" said chance.

We walked into the line and we practically walked onto the ride, apparently this isn't normal and it just wasn't busy today.

We sat down and me and logan sat together in one and brendon and chance in the other.

The ride started off climbing a small hill, I had butterflies in my stomach. When we got to the top logan just smiled and as it crept slowly over the peak, I looked down and laughed. That was always my defence, I never screamed, I always laughed.

Logan looked at me confused as I was dying in laughter a we went down as he screamed "holy shit" at the top of his lungs.

Then I started laughing at how loud everybody was screaming. The ride felt like it only lasted a few seconds so we decided which one to go in next.

Since I seemed to like them so much we decided to go on one of the bigger ones, we decided to go on x-flight. It looked really fun and I wanted to try as many roller coasters as possible.

We were in line which was really short and the park seemed almost abandoned today.

"So, Doreen, why did you laugh in the first one?" Brendon asked me.

"Um, I don't really know" I lied.

"Well I can see right through that, you know exactly why." Chance said.

"Okay, fine, it's my defence mechanism when I'm scared. I don't scream, I don't cry, I don't get angry. I laugh." I told them.

"Oh, that's pretty neat I guess." Brendon replied.

"I'm confused by you. But that's alright I guess." Logan told me with a smile.

I laughed again and he asked "did I scare you?" With a sly eyebrow raised.

"Yeah, your face reminds me of a goblin" I joked.

He put a hand to his heart and acted hurt. I laughed again. "Okay, now that one was because I actually thought that was funny" I joked.

Finally it was our turn to get on and I sat next to brendon. "So this is really your first time to a theme park?" He asked me.

"Yeah, I also had my first time on a trampoline last night" I told him. Pure shock sprung onto his face.

Then before he could say anything, the ride took off. We were gliding with nothing under our feet. I loved the feeling.

I liked the feeling because I knew that at any moment I could be dropping, at any moment, I could be face first on the ground. I liked knowing things like that, they made me feel better. I loved them because I knew that anything could happen, even good things.

The whole ride I had a huge grin across my face, one I don't think I've ever had on before. No, it wasn't my happiest, but it also was just different.


After that we all went home. We had gone on tons of rides and still, they have yet to make me scream.

We decided to all eat at Logan's house, I wanted to cook. We went to the store to get ingredients for parmesan chicken since we all decided we liked it.

Then we got home and I went straight to the kitchen, I looked around and saw the mess logan had clearly made the day before. That day felt like years ago.

I started to clean it up and brendon walked in and started helping me as logan and chance chatted on the couch in the living room.

Of course being me, I listened to the conversation.

"Thank you so much for keeping Doreen safe." Logan said.

"Yeah, no problem, if you don't mind me asking, what did you do last night?" Chance asked.

"Um, well they're in the kitchen right now so I'm assuming they already saw part of it, the other half was taken out on my bedroom." He said.

"Oh, shouldn't we go help them then?" Chance asked.

"No, looking at it will just bring back the memories and make me want to break more, and you here right now is helping me too." Logan told him.

I quickly understood that logan wasn't just angry, he was confused. I learned that a lot of people with anger like this have a problem understanding things so they take it out on objects.

I've learned that emotions make you weak, so I try not to show mine.

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