part 16

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Emotions are like little toys inside my head. I show them at my own times. I don't play with others, I'm not cold hearted, I hate to hurt people because I know how it feels.

"Doreen" brendon says "You've been sweeping that same spot for 5 minutes now, I think we should just start to cook" he told me in a gentle tone.

"Yeah, okay, you can go sit with logan and chance. I like to cook on my own" I told him after being surprised to hear his voice. I almost forgot he was in the room with me.

"Yeah, just holler if you need anything." He told me as he walked out. He had most of the kitchen cleaned up no thanks to me, but I would make that up with dinner.

He put the brooms away and walked out to go sit on the couch with the others. I quickly got to work.

I breaded the chicken and made my own special sauce.  I cooked the chicken then pit the sauce on it and put it in the oven for a bit longer. As I was watching the chicken in the oven chance came back in.

"Hey, how's it going?" He asked me.

"It's going, the chicken should be done in about 5 minutes." I said as I stated blankly at the counters.

"Okay, thank you for making dinner." He told me.

"Its my pleasure, I love to cook." I replied.

He laughed and stepped back out of the kitchen, leaving me to finish up.

I heard the timer for the dinner beep and I called for the boys. "Dinner is ready!" I yelled to them.

I got out plates and put the pan of chicken in the counter. I heard the boys comming in because they're not exactly quiet.

"Wow Doreen, this looks amazing. I wish I could cook like that." Logan told me.

"Well you don't need to, you live with me now and I love to cook." I said back.

"Now I'm jealous of you logan" chance said.

"Well maybe we can make it a tradition to have dinner every Sunday with you and brendon." I told him. Knowing nobody ever works on Sundays here.

"That's an amazing idea." Brendon said as the boys started to fix their plates.

We all got out food and sat down to dinner together. "This tastes like heaven." Chance said inbetween mouthfulls of food.

I just smiled and kept eating. My mother was the one who taught me to cook when I was extremely little and then I got put on kitchen duty in the orphanage a lot even though I was a little young.


We finished dinner and chance and brendon went home and Evan came in.

Me and logan said goodnight and I went back to my room. I went to bed.


I woke up to five random dudes singing to me. I hand never met them but I assumed they knew logan. I was still extremely tired from the action filled day before, so I put a pillow over my head and groaned.

"Come onnnnn doreen" logan said. "I got the best of the best to be your alarm clock for the day." He said with a tint of sarcasm.

I rolled back on my back and looked at them and smiled.

"Hey" said the tall one with the guitar.

Then they started singing for me to get up and logan was smiling really big. He obviously thought this was funny but I didn't have the same feeling. I was more embarrassed because I was probably a mess.

Finally I got up and they stopped singing. "Alright Doreen, this is the band why don't we, I have to go to work today and ayla is sick so your gonna spend the day there today." He told me.

"Alright, let me get ready." I said.

"Okay" Logan replied as they all filed out of the room.

Well I was gonna spend the day with 5 really cute talented dudes so let's try not to look like a hobo.

I put on a pair of ripped jeans and a maverick v neck. I them grabbed a pair of aviator sunglasses and put them on after brushing my hair and teeth. I walked back out and all the boys got up.

"You ready" said the tall one who had the guitar.

"I think I'll be ready after you tell me your guys names" I replied.

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot." He said "I'm Daniel, the noodle hair is jack, the other tall one is Jonah, the blond one is Corbyn, and the last one Zach." He said.

"Well nice to meet all of you. Now I'm ready." I said with a smile.

Logan hugged me before we left and we said I love you to eachother which is still new to me since I haven't really said that normally in years.

We got into a van since there were too many of us for a car.

We drove and blasted the radio and we all started practically screaming the words together. They all had huge smiles and I didn't know why.

Finally we got to the house and we all went inside. (Sorry I may turn this into a small why dont we fic too. My bad, let's just pretend they're closer in age than they are)

We turned on the tv and Jack looked at me and said "wanna play truth or dare?" Because he was obviously bored.

"Why not?" I said.

"Sounds fun" said Daniel, and eventually the rest of them joined in too.

"Okay, since jack suggested it, how about he starts." Said Jonah.

"Okay deal, doreen, truth or dare?" He asked me.

"Um, dare."

"I dare you to sit across all the other boys laps, like lat down across them." He said.

I blushed but the boys didn't seem to think any different of it.

I layed with my legs  on Daniel, my hips on Zach, my stomach and chest on Jonah, and my head on corbyn. It was oddly comfortable.

I then sat like that for a little longer.

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