part 17

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Then finally after a few turns I got off and sat on the floor with my back in the couch, only about 2 hours had past so we decided we still had about 6.

"Hey Doreen, wanna go skate?" Asked corbyn.

"I've never done it before, but I'd like to try." I said.

They all looked shocked. "You've never skated before? Not even once?" Asked Daniel.

"Nope. Never."

"Well then lets go, we got a lot to teach you." Said Zach.

We went outside into where they normally skate and Jack brought be a board. They took 30 minutes just to teach me to normally skate without tricks or anything. I still was kinda shakey though.

Finally after about another hour I was able to get one simple trick down.

"How about we take a break and go get some food?" Suggested Daniel.

"Sounds good to me." I said. We all piled into the van.

We drove to taco bell and all ordered something. I got nachos.

We sat down to a table and I got a text from logan.

Logan- hey how's everything going?

Me- good, they taught me how to skateboard and we watched a movie.

Logan-fun, I was on break but now I got to go so I'll tell you when I leave.

That was the end of the conversation.

As I was eating I spaced out and I heard a faint "doreen" being repeated until I go ally zoned back in.

They were all looking at me. I looked up and saw and immediately looked back down. I felt a blush creep onto my cheeks.

"What where you thinking about?" Jack asked me.

"Literally nothing, I was just staring into space." I replied back.

"Oh" he said, after that we all went back to their place.


"I vote hide and seek" said Jonah.

The rest of the us agreed.

"Okay, since you were the final count, you can be the counter" said Jack.

"Deal" replied Jonah.

He immediately started counting to 60 and Jack took my hand and led me upstairs.

We went into a closet together and we sat down in the car corner behind tons of clothes with the lights off.

Jack looked at me but never let go of my hand. He smiled at me so big and said "I think your beautiful."

I blushed and mumbled a quick thank you as I looked down.

"Don't hide, your cheeks look lovely with a soft pink." And then I started to feel like it was getting cheesy so I looked back up and he kissed my cheek before we heard jonah open the closet door.

There were multiple people's footsteps and I got worried, so far from what we knew, it was just supposed to be jonah.

The door closed but the people were still in here. I couldn't see anything but a sliver of shoe because I was behind the clothes.

"God damnit, Zach, you weren't supposed to let jack take her" I heard Daniel say. Well that confuses me already.

"What do you mean? It's just hide and seek?" He said.

"I mean, you know jonah had a huge crush on her and so does jack so we were trying to keep all three separated." He said in a harsh whisper.

"I'm sorry, but as far as I'm concerned she can choose for herself. She's a human being." Replied Zach.

"Ugh, I'll explain later but we need somewhere to hide, jonah is already looking" said Daniel.


I heard the footsteps get closer and they went to hide... exactly where me and Jack where.

They started to crawl under the clothes and saw us.

"What the fuck dude?" Said zach.

"I think you should be asking that question to Daniel" said jack.

"I don't mean to start any fights, I can just go" i said.

"No, it's not you, it's other people." Said Daniel as he eyed jack.

"I don't think anybody needs to leave, i think we need to have an adult discussion." Said jack.

"I agree, but at the moment I think we should pause the game." I said.

They agreed and we all got up and told jonah and corbyn what had happened.

Although jonah was kinda mad and flustered that I found out, he agreed to it.

We decided that this was more of a talk for me jonah and Jack to have.

The three of us went into a room and sat in some chairs all a decent amount away from each other.

"So you both like me, I don't know who I like. I think I should establish that now." I said.

"I think we should give you time to get to know both of us first and whoever you pick is up to you. Neither of us get into fights about you, we don't even speak about you to the other one." Said Jonah.

"I agree, I also think neither of us should take it personally since it's more about your feelings as whether you like us as a friend or more. I also don't think either of those positions is higher. I see them as equal." Said jack.

"Well then this was fairly simple, now shake hands and we can move on with our lives, logan texted me and told me he was gonna be here in 15 minutes anyways." I said.

They shook hands and we walked back out to the other three sitting on the couch. I had a smile and both the boys had on straight faces since they weren't happy, nor sad, nor mad, they were just normal.

Daniel looked up in shock because we were done so quick. We explained the outcome to the boys and soon after that logan came.

I warned them not to say anything to logan about this because I would probably never be aloud over again.

I got into the car with logan and we started our way home.

"So how did you like them?" He asked me.

"They're a fun group of guys." I said with a small smile.

"That's good, did you eat dinner yet?" He asked me.

"No, it's only 5:30, I'm not an old lady" I joked.

"Good point." He laughed.

After that I heard a loud boom

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