part 1

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I never thought I would end up at one of these "houses" but I guess I am now. I don't even think I've fully processed my own life in the past few years. I've gone from living in a loving family with two loving parents to losing it all. Sure we didnt have a lot of money, nor did we really have much of a house, but i had a family and thats all i needed. We were just walking in the street and some man just walked up and shot both my parents. Nobody knows who or why but I'm determined to figure that part out. But right now I have to just sit here and rot away in this old house for girls bullshit.

I hear a knock on my door "Doreen, get your ass out here now" says the head mistress, ms.blurry. right after she says that I run to the door and open it.

"Yes, ms.blurry?" I ask her.

"There's a man here wanting to adopt a 13 year old girl and well, your the only one because the rest are either still infants or around 16" she tells me.

My heart drops... could this really be happening? Is this some sick joke?

"Follow me" she tells me as she grabs my hand and pulls me behind her "your gonna get an interview from him and if he likes you, he might just adopt you. Only if your lucky though you little shit." She spits. Disgust ,with just touching me, showing on her face

"Yes ma'am" I tell her as she opens a door that leads into an interview room with him sitting at the table. She gestures with a fake smile for me to sit down, trying to fool the man that she's kind and sweet.

"Hello" the man tells me "I'm logan paul. " he tells me as he reaches out his hand for me to shake it.

"Nice to meet you mr.paul" I say "I'm Doreen louann" I tell him.

"That's a beautiful name" he tells me with a bright smile. I like this man, he seems so genuinely happy, he seems to genuinely be a good man. "So Doreen, mind if I ask a few questions?" He asks politely.

"Fire away" I tell him with a slight smile on my face.

"Okay, first of all I would like to ask, how did you end up in this home and how long have you been here?" Well okay then, starting out tough I guess. "You don't have to answer the first part if you don't want to" he tells me, seeing me get uncomfortable at the question.

"No, it's fine. I got here about a few years ago.. my um.. my parents died. It was kinda like Batman except I didn't have an Alfred to fall back on." I tell him, that's the easiest way I know how to explain it.

"Oh my, dear. I'm so very sorry" he tells me. The next question he asks is "are you allergic to anything?"

"No, sir." I reply.

"What are you afraid of" he asks.

"Snakes" I reply, cringing just at the word.

We go back and forth with simple questions, I can tell he is trying to get a read on my personality.

"Okay, thank you for your time" he tells me as he gets up. "You might wanna go start packing your bags now" he tells me

I'm speechless. It's only been a few years and i have talked to tons of the older girls. They all said they've been here since they were little. I don't know what to do so I run up and hug him. Taking us both by suprise. I don't normally hug, not even when my parents were around.

We release eachother as we both exit out different doors. There's an older girl standing there, one of my only friends, she's about 16. "I'm gonna miss you" she tells me as she sees the bright smile on my face. We didn't talk much because I never really talked.

"I'm gonna miss you too" i tell her. She has tons of other friends here so I'm sure she will not miss me as much as she seems to.

After a short goodbye and a backpack of my stuff, I get called to the front office, told I'm going to a new home. I don't have much in the bag, a few pairs of jeans, 3 t-shirts, and a hairbrush.

Finally I make it to the front room and see him standing in the doorway. "Hello darling" he says to me "I got the paperwork filled out already, all you have to do is take my hand so I can show you to my car" he tells me

I show a huge grin on my face and take his hand as he shows me to his car, a purple challenger with a big sticker on the front reading logang. He takes my bag from me and feels how light it is and says "where gonna need to go shopping I guess" he tells me.

"Mr.paul, I never got the chance to and you a question" I tell him.

"How about when we get to my house I give you a piece of paper and you write down all the questions you have, okay? And for God's sake call me logan, we're gonna be living together and let's face it, I'm still kind of a child at heart and being called mr. Makes me sound old." He laughs

"Sure thing, logan" I say. Our drive home takes a few hours, it's the only girls house for a long time. But I start to notice signs saying Hollywood everywhere.

"Logan? Where do you live?" I ask him.

"I live in l.a." he tells me. Now that makes sense as to why he had such a nice car I guess.

Finally we pull up to an apartment building near Hollywood boulevard. "We're here" he tells me.

We both get out of the car and I grab my bag from the trunk. We walk in and he introduced me to the staff inside before walking on to the elevator. He presses floor 6 and we start to go up. "I can't wait to decorate your room, I know that sounds weird but I love to make things look nice" he tells me.

"I can't either, in the house all we got to do was hang a picture or two of your family and that's it" I tell him. I kept the picture of my parents in my pocket for safe keeping.

"Well then this is gonna be fun" he tells me as he opens the door to his apartment, it's beautiful when I enter. The first thing your greeted by is a chalkboard wall and a logo of a bird on the floor. It's beautiful already to me.

He shows me around his home and I realize how nice it is. Last but not least he shows me my room. "This room is yours to paint and decorate to your choosing" he tells me. I gasp at the size of the room and slot a walk in closet. This is even bigger than my room at my old house.

"Thank you so so much, logan" I tell him, with a huge grin plasterd on my face.

logan pauls adopted daughterOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant