part 21

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Logan and I decided that this place was to tainted to stay. We decided that going back to LA would be the best option. His friends never came because he told them not to.

For the past couple hours the only thing I could think of was every thing that went down on the night my uncle died, how I watched as light drained from him. I saw all of my siblings dead, I saw everything.

If only I could've gotten to that house sooner. But I didn't, I fucked up, I did wrong.

Nothing can be changed, I can't bring my siblings back, I can't make sure that the torture to my uncle lasted lomger. The only thing I can do now is do what I can to live my life to the fullest. I want to so this for my siblings, live for them.


When we got back to LA logan decided that he was going to put his show on hold for a bit.

He decided to stay home with me in my time of need. I also needed to be homeschooled, summer break was over. It was the beginning of September now and I needed to start trying harder. I was going into 8th grade and logan, ayla, and brendon where gonna be my teachers.

I got the books and logan was given the work sheets and materials I needed to learn.

If I wanted a day off ever ibwould have to work extra hard and long to make it up.

They quickly realized that I was great at school and that it came easy for me.

It had only been a week before they finally realized that I had no friends my own age. Logan decided to sit down and talk to me about it.

"So, doreen, we've recently come to the realization that you have no friends your own age" he told me.

"Yeah but everybody my age is still immature, I grew up early." I said. It was true, I acted like I was at least 20 even though I was only 13 soon to be 14.

"But sometimes you need to relax and have fun with people your own age" he said.

"But I don't usually like people my own age, they tend to annoy me" I retorted.

"But maybe theres some just like you out there." He questioned.

"Well maybe I don't like public schools for a reason, I've tried them before, they don't really help me." I was getting more annoyed by the second. I really did get annoyed by almost every other 13 year old.

"Fine, but just a warning, I'm thinking about sending you to normal school once your a freshman." He said.

I sighed knowing that was a year away and that I had time to negotiate it. But for now I had other news to tell logan.

"What if I make friends on set of a tv show?" I said.

"That would be great, but your not on a tv show" he said.

Well now was time to ask him if I could audition for one.

"What if I told you there's auditions for a new disney show?" I asked.

"Well then I say let's get you a manager and a script to start practicing. I'm sure Jeff will take you." He replied.

I had a huge grin, I always wanted to be on tv. But to gear I'm getting an manager makes it even better.


Later that day logan talked to Jeff, of course he said yes and accepted me.

Of course I forgot to tell logan another thing. "Oh by the way, the audition also needs an older brother, about your age, as an adult. Just in case you wanna try out to." I told him.

His face lit up. "That would be amazing, they'll love that we already talk and that I already act like an older brother to you." He said.

"Perfect, we can share a script and even try out together" I replied.


About a week later auditions came and I was extremely nervous, I honestly didn't think I could get it. But logan has already prepared me for if I failed, he said he's already seen down other auditions.

We were sitting in the chairs and were next to get up and try out. Finally they called our name. We went in and did our auditions.

After we finished we looked at the directors and other people who picked us and they had complete smiles on their faces.

"I think we have a beautiful chemistry between these two, it looked so natural." A lady said.

"I agree, I also think that his popular status on social media can be some nice advertising." Said another man.

Finally the last and most important man spoke. "I think we have found our people, we can send the rest home for these two rolls." He said.

Me and logan looked at eachother confused. I don't think he had ever been accepted this fast.  My very first audition was the biggest success you could ever imagine.

We watched the director go out and tell the others that out two rolls were taken but they could try for others.

Me a logan were jumping for joy.

"Logan, we will contact your manager and tell you the schedual." She said. We then got dismissed and went home.


When we got home logan looked at me and said "I think since every thing is going so well, you should meet your new grandma and grandpa" u was shocked.

"That sounds amazing" I said.

"Well that's great because they arrive here tommorow" he said.

We talked about them and how they were divorced but still talked and how they would love me.

I later went to bed in hopes of having amazing grandparents.


I woke up in the morning and huttoed to get ready so we could get to the airport on time to pick them up.

I think I got ready in record time because I was so excited.

logan pauls adopted daughterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora