part 20

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I decided the best way to go about this was to just go for the kill. So I did exactly that. I didn't end up needing the rope after all.

I took out my knife and snuck up behind the chair. I took all the rage from the last few months and pit it into that single blow right into the neck. I watched as the blood drained from his face as he gasped for air and choked on his own blood.

I felt odly at peace. A peace I had never felt before.

I immediately wanted to see my siblings, they were my pride and joy. I ran to my sister's room and turned in the lights immediately. The only problem was that my sister's didn't wake up.

I walked over and pulled down one of the covers to see her face bloody, beaten, and in no way could she be living. I panicked and checked the others. Nope. I went to my brothers room and did the same thing, they were all dead.

This was my uncle's final punch in the gut, this was the final k.o. in the fight.

I ran back out to see the last light drained from my uncle's eyes, and words written on the walls in his blood haha they read. This was just all some fucked up home to him.

I then realized that I needed a cover story, I was going to go to prison for the rest of my life if they find me hear, if they see my knife.

I grabbed the rope I had dropped earlier and took the knife. I dropped them both in a dumpster at a random persons home. It was garbage day tommorow, they would never find it.

I then ran back to the hotel as fast as I could, I was lucky, i remembered leather gloves to wear. I also had on a hat to tuck my hairs away, and my full body was covered. I snuck back into the hotel. I took off my blood drained clothes and changed back into my pajamas before throwing my clothes into the fire.

Nobody shall ever know, maybe one day I'll tell logan, but that's a maybe.

I Then went to bed with tears in my eyes, all my siblings were dead, and it killed me on the inside, but I couldn't let anybody see me like this because then they would know.


I woke up in the morning with logan on the phone, he sounded odly surprised by something.

After the call ended he looked at me, I'm sure he had the news that I already knew from last night.

"Doreen, I think you should sit down, I need to tell you something." He said in a serious tone.

I sat down and nodded, letting him know to go on.

"Your siblings, they found them dead last night, it looked like they had been beaten to death the day before." He had a sad look to his eyes, almost as if he expected me to break down, but I didnt, hearing it made it all more real and I couldn't process it.

I had a straight face before he continued on. "And your uncle, he was found murdered." He told me.

I got up and walked out of the room.

I walked into the bathroom and started crying. I still couldn't stand that the bastard killed my siblings. He was going to burn in hell.

I hear logan knocking on the door. "Doreen, come out here please, they already have a suspect." He said. Oh shit, it's me, they caught me somehow.

I was smarter than that though. I won't say I did anything until he tells me I'm the suspect.

I unlocked the door and walked out with a tear stained face.

"They think it's one of his own gang members, they say they had a rivalry and his prints are all over the house, he also already had his house searched and they found his knife in the garbage can outside with your uncle's dna." He spoke.

"Well then, the damn bastard deserved it" I said. Logan looked shocked, he had never seen me cuss before. But he sure as hell was not gonna say anything about it because this was a time of crisis and that was the least if his worries.

He looked me in the eyes as he held my shoulders and kept me at arms length. I don't know why but my shoulder started to act up, I forgot about it last night as I was pumped on adrenaline. It hurt like a bitch and I think logan could see the look in my eyes as I tried to mask the pain.

He loosened his grip on the shoulder before pulling me into a hug. It was a big bear hug and it felt like he was crushing me, but in a good comforting way.

This comfort made me start to cry. I cried into his shirt, as much as I tried to mask the pain, there was just to much to hide. He kept whispering his it was going to be okay, and how it's going to get better, but I didn't believe him.

He started to let out a few tears himself before he started to release from the hug.

He leaned back and looked me in the eyes "the gang said his contract is up after the death. They no longer need to get you."

"That's great, if only this would have happened a couple weeks earlier." I joked, trying to add some humor because it was so intense.

"Doreen, your safe now, your uncle can never hurt you again, the gang is no longer after you. And I'm going to give you the best life I can possibly manage to give you." He told me.

"Thank you logan, thank you for everything, thank you for the life of support, thank you." I said.

Logan was now the only family I had legally now. I didn't even have anybody blood related to me. It was just me.

That was a lonely feeling, I'm the only person with DNA like mine, I'm the only person who has the exact same ancestors. I'm all alone.

But I wasn't alone, I had logan, logan was now my job to keep from harm. I wanted him to stay alive just as much as he wanted me to stay alive.

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