part 19

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We arrived home and Evan was there to great us at the door.

Logan refused to let me go anywhere. He insisted that I needed rest for the next week. He was clearly spooked by the whole thing.

Finally after a week at home in an arm sling I was aloud to go to a restaurant to see some of our friends.

Or mainly his friends I guess, it was George and johannes. Evan went somewhere else so he didn't tag along.

George and Johannes came to the door with balloons that said "get well soon on them" and we pit them in the kitchen before starting our walk to our restaurant that we had reservations at.

The guys were acting super weird and were surrounding me like body guards, Johannes and George at my sides and logan behind me.

I had a feeling there was more to this man shooting me than they're telling me. I have a feeling it might have been planned.

"So johannes" I said, trying to get them to stop acting like bodyguards and start being more friendly. "How is that new video comming along?" I tried to slow my pace a bit so I was walking next to logan instead of infront of him but they all slowed with me.

We were now at the restaurant and they had me in the very corner booth in the back of a restaurant on the inside of the seat. Logan was honestly being way over protective, it was like having personal body guards follow my every move.

Finally I got angry and said something "You know you guys aren't my body guards right? It's gonna be fine." I stated in a clearly annoyed tone.

"I'm worried okay?" Said logan "your my daughter now and it's my job to protect you." He stated.

"And it's my job to be a young kid and experience life, but it's kinda hard to do that when I'm not even aloud to see the outside world." I said.

"I know, but I also know that there's things I haven't told you yet but I need to. Okay? I can't tell you them right now because where in public but I'll tell you when we get back home." He said in a harsh whisper.

"Okay" I said back.

After that we ate dinner and had a few laughs. Johannes and George where some of my favorites of Logan's friends.

We finally went home but I could tell logan was trying to walk slower so that he could avoid telling me.

"I'm not forgetting" I whispered to logan as he slowed his pace even a bit more.

He sighed and picked back up his speed knowing damn well that he was going to have to explain eventually.

Finally we got home and George and Johannes left and Evan wasn't home.

Logan looked me in the eyes and said "he's not the only one"

"I want you to explain fully" I retorted.

"Your uncle, he somehow found you and doesn't want people to find out about what he did." He said.

"So he hired people?" I asked.

"No, he's part of a gang. Your siblings are in grave danger and frankly we need to save them, I updated our tickets and we are leaving for Wisconsin tommorow. I'm getting the police and we are getting your siblings out of that home." He said.

I smiled and hugged him, he really did care. "Thank you logan, you have a beautiful heart." I said.

"You do to. You just don't show it well." He said. "That dope stuff in the hospital really showed your true colors."

I blushed and walked to my room to pack.


I woke up the next morning at 4 am so we could make our flight. It was just me and logan leaving now. Apparently we would meet chance and George there later too but he couldn't book them on the same flight as us.

I don't remember a lot because I fell asleep on the plain but I remember logan bring very tense and nervous.

We them arrived st the airport and met these men who looked to be security. Okay, now I get why he is so overprotective, where in Wisconsin now and my uncle is only an hour away.

We got into a black Tahoe with tinted windows. They drove us to the hotel and logan had his hands on my shoulders the whole time as we walked.

I knew the exact house he lived in but this was my time to shine, it was my turn to hurt him myself.


I didn't tell anyone, I gave them a fake address that I said we used to live at. Later that night when everybody was asleep I got out of bed.

Of course I knew it wouldn't be that easy, I packed my pocket knife and black leggings and sweatshirt along with some rope. I saw the security guard that had to stay awake and I managed to throw a shoe at the other wall to draw his attention away.

When he went around to check the rooms I took that as my time to leave.

I snuck out the door and ran out to the sidewalk, I knew this town like the back of my hand. The walk there would take about a half hour so I walked as fast as I could without drawing any attention to me.

He was not getting away this time.


Finally I got to the house, it was even smaller than I remembered but I saw my uncle's truck in the driveway.

I peaked into a few windows, one of them being my old room I shared with my sisters.

I couldn't see well but I know I could see the shapes of body's under the cover of night.

Finally I snuck into one of the windows. Then there he was, sitting in his chair that he fell asleep in, making no movements, but I wasn't sure how to go about this.


Haha, another authors note. I just wanted to say how proud I am of logan for hitting 10 mil and getting 2 teen choice awards within 2 days, he is magnificent, and sorry for the cliffhanger bit it's about to get real dramatic.

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