part 13

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Chance looked at me funny, I don't think he thinks I'm strong enough to help him carry Jake.

"Come on" I told him.

He followed me to Jake. He lifted him up from under his arms and I carried him from his ankles. We brought him up the stairs and put him into bed.

"That's gonna hurt like hell tommorow, I wonder if he will even remember it." I said before walking back out.

"Doreen, I don't think that reaction is normal. I think a normal girl your age would be freaking out." He told me with a concerned tone.

"Again. My past has seen way darker." I tell him as we walk downstairs.

Tessa passed us and I looked at her and said "he's gonna need that on his stomach and forehead." Before finishing my way down the stairs.

When we finally got downstairs and it was just me and chance because Tessa was up helping Jake, chance looked at me with pitiful eyes.

"Are you sure your okay? I can go grab you some hot cocoa and we can talk, Tessa usually goes to bed around now because she actually does stuff in the mornings, ew." He told me.

"Sure, that would be nice, I've only ever had hot cocoa a few times." I told him.

"Well then your in for a real treat, I happen to make the best hot cocoa in town." He told me.

"Well good, that's a pretty big deal considering how big the town is." I laughed as Tessa came back down the stairs.

She had a worried expression. "I'm not sure he's all well, I think we should take him to the hospital, say he got mugged or something." She spoke softly.

"I've had worse beatings" I said before I realized what slipped out of my mouth and immediately regretted it.

"Oh darling" she said as she runned up and hugged me.

I looked over at chance and he tried not to make eye contact, I was beginning to like him as a good friend, he knew exactly how to react to things.

"Its alright Tessa, I'm out of that now, I'm with logan now." I told her.

"As much as I hate to say it, your still not fine." She told me.

"Logan is getting me a therapist" I told her, trying to ease out of the conversation.

"Okay, well I'm gonna head to bed because I have something to do in the morning, chance, make sure she gets to the guest room, I'll have a pair of pajamas for her on the bed" she said.

"Yes ma'am" chance said back.

"Goodnight" she said to us, her stare lingering on me for a second before she went to her room.

"Well the hot cocoa is almost finished" he told me as he took the pot off the burner and poured it into two mugs. He then grabbed the whipped cream and marshmallows and put them on top and brought me one.

"Thank you, chance" I said, clearly indicating that I was thanking him for much more.

"Don't worry about it, I'll be like a big brother to you." He told me.

I laughed at the comment and sipped my hot cocoa. I could feel the whipped cream making a mustache on my face so chance did the same.

He looked at me and said in a British accent "Well top of the morning to you" as he tipped his nonexistent hat at me.

I laughed and licked the mustache off my lips.

We kept sipping our cocoa when finally we had finished it all.

"You wanna know what could make this even better?" Chance asked me.

"What?" I said.

"If we jumped on the trampoline." He yelled as he ran toward it and jumped up on it.

I wasn't far behind him but I stopped at the edge.

"Um, I've never jumped on a trampoline before." I told him.

He looked at me "really? I'll help you. It's not much harder than normal jumping." He spoke.

"Okay" I told him as I got onto the trampoline. I had only ever seen these things on tv.

I started to wobble as chance lead me toward the center so it would be harder to fall off. "Okay, now I'm not a very good teacher. So just try jumping and see what happens." He told me.

I took a few bounces and by the third one I felt like I was floating, I couldn't believe how fun it was.

"There you go. Easy as pie" he told me as he started bouncing with me.

"This is really fun" I told him with a huge grin across my face.

"You've missed out on a lot in your life, I need to make sure you stay a kid so I can show you all these fun things" he told me.

"Yeah" I told him.

He did a backflip and I thought it was so cool.


Later that night after we were back in the couch, chance started to yawn.

"I think that's my cue to head off to bed" I told him.

"Mine too" he said to me. "But first I have to show you to the guest bedroom."

"Okay" I said to him. He lead me up the stairs and brought me to a room with a bed, a dresser, and a nightstand. On the bed lay the pajamas Tessa said she would bring me.

"Goodnight, Doreen, my room is right at the end of the hall of you need me" chance said.

"Thanks, goodnight" I told him.

He then closed the door and I heard him walk to his room.

I got into bed with the pajamas on and started to drift off to sleep.


"Jake? Whatever you doing in here?" I asked as he walked towards my bed.

"I'm comming for some unfinished buisness" he told me.

"Chance! Tessa! Anybody!" I yelled as he came closer. Nobody seemed to respond and I was stuck with just me and him.

"Calling for help won't do anything. Your stuck here with me." He had an evil grin spread across his face.

Then I saw the door handle wiggling, jake had locked it.

"Doreen! We're comming! Unlock the door!" Chance yelled.

"Fuck off" Jake yelled back.

Finally chance broke down the door down.

He tackled Jake to the ground and they were wrestling.

Chance finally got face on his stomach with his arms behind his back.

He took Jake out of the room.


Then I woke up, in cold sweats from the dream.

I was alone in my room. The dream was awful, looks like I just can't get lucky in the uncle department.

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