part 23

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I woke up in the morning to hear logan talking to his dad this time. I think he heard me rustling around because right after that he came into my room.

He closed the door behind him to talk to me. "Okay so I talked to make nd we both decided that well just say we can't find any times that match up." He said.

"Thank God." I said back. "But you might wanna say stuff like that a teeny bit softer, you can hear it out in the living room." I said.

He then realized that I could hear conversations taking place in the living room.

"So you can hear us? Did you hear any of last night's conversation?" He asked.

"Yeah, up until your mom said fine." I told him.

"Well shit, but thanks for at least telling me that. I appreciate your honesty." He said.

"Why thank you. I appreciate you appreciating my honesty." I said.

He just laughed and walked back out so I got ready for the day.

After I got ready I walked out to only see Logan's dad, his mom was not here, she was probably off visiting her other son.

"Wow, you slept in late." Said his dad.

"Um, it's only 7:30" I said back confused.

"I know, I'm just kidding around. Don't tell logan but your my favorite, he'll get jealous." He told me.

"Haha, okay, it's safe with me." I said back before logan walked into the room.

"So guys, what do you say? Ready to come to our first day of set with us dad?" He asked.

"Wait. Today is our first day of set?" I questioned.

"Yep, today we get out scripts to start studying." He replied.

"I can't wait!" I said back as we started out the door.


We got to set and I was absolutely thrilled to meet my new castmates! Me and logan had the two biggest roles. The next biggest were Logan's best friend, my best friend, and my crush.

The show was about a girl who lost her parents and lived with her brother. It was also about how the big brother had moved them to a new school because he couldn't afford the house that the parents had before.

When logan opened the doors to the set I gasped. It was huge and I had never been on a tv set before.i think I actually may have cried tears of joy if I was a sappy person.

We kept walking until the director came up and greeted us.

"Hello my favorite duo. You two are going to do great. Let me show you to your dressing rooms that are right next to each other and I'm also going to introduce you to the people you will be working with. Then the writer of the show is going to show you guys around set because she is an expert on directions and I'm not." She told us.

"Well then lets get started." Said logan.

She started to walk so we followed her. We soon arrived at our dressing rooms.

"Holy cow, I've only ever been on movie sets so the dressing rooms weren't this big and they weren't permanent either." He said.

"Well I've never been on any sets so this is amazing." I piped in.

"Great. Your costume and makeup people should be in here any second so I'll wait outside for them so you guys can talk" she told us.

She then walked out and Logan's dad said "Well jeez guys, your really getting the full treatment here, and this is right across from bizardvark, the new show your brother just got on." He said with excitement.

I didn't know Jake was on a Disney show so this shocked me but I held my composure. You could tell this slightly unsettled logan but his dad didn't notice.

"I should probably go say hi to jake and stuff while you guys get situated." He then said before walking out.

Right after he walked out our wardrobe and makeup crew came in. They were three girls with bright colorful hair and crazy clothes, I liked them already.

"Heyyy" said the one with pink hair. "We all just go by the names of our hair. We all find it really funny because every once in a while we change the color and people have to change the name." She said. "So I do makeup and I'm going to make you people even more fabulous than you already are." She Said.

Then the one with blue hair started to speak " I do costume fittings, I make sure everything looks correct and that you have the right costumes on for the right time. I also fix costumes incase anybody has a wardrobe malfunction like a ripped seem." She said.

Then finally the one with red hair started to speak "I make and design the costumes to best suit you as a person, I decide what will make your eyes pop and what shows up best on camera." She Said.

We all joked around and talked and blue did a quick measure of our sizes by measuring almost everu thing possible and writing it down.

Then they left and our costars came in to meet us. My best friend on the show had the name kiley in real life and she was a year younger. My crushes name was david and he was a year older and Logan's best friends name was Julius.

Me kiley and David clicked almost immediately. We all had common humor such as sarcasm.

This was all our first tv show ever and we were all extremely excited, we started rehearsing all together with even logan and Julius, immediatly.

We all started to get down the lines when the writers of the show came in to give us a group tour.

Their names where Sara and Chloe.

They were very sweet and they brought us to the different rooms and even told us that we would film in a school every once in a while.

My favorite part was mine and Logan's house because it was so small and old that it made me feel almost at home with my parents still there.

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