part 8

414 11 4

I wasn't planning on getting any rest. As I said before, I'm still on a different sleep schedule. I also didn't want the chance of having that dream again. So I just played there and put in my earbuds to listen to some music.

A heard logan close his bedroom door, I think he is kinda mad because it sounded more like a slam.

Now that he was in his room I got up and went to make breakfast. I was going to make pancakes, eggs, and sausage for us to eat.

It was kinda my apology to him for having that little burst and snapping at him. I don't like when I'm mean, but sometimes I can't control it.

Finally after about an hour he got up and I was just finishing breakfast so he probably got up at the smell.

"That smells good, what did you make?" He asks me.

"Pancakes, eggs, and sausage. It's kinda my apology for stealing you laptop last night." I tell him.

"No need to apologize, I shouldn't have done that, I'm sorry." He replies.

"I forgive you. Your to nice to stay mad at anyways." I laugh.

After that we make our plates and begin eating. I'm glad I made a lot because logan is big and ate a lot, especially eggs for protein.

After we finished logan cleaned up the kitchen while I went and got ready because I typically take longer than him.

By the time I was ready he had already been ready and waiting on the couch.

When I walked out he gestured for me to sit down too. Oh my, he wants to talk. I guess get it over with noe and hopefully this will blow over.

"So, doreen, don't think I forgot one second from last night." He tells me as I can see him trying not to look at my thigh.

"I know" I tell him in a soft voice, trying to avoid eye contact. I really didn't want to have this conversation.

"I think it would be best if um, if you maybe go to a therapist." He tells me.

"Um, I could try it i guess." I tell him.

"Thank you for at least agreeing to try it. I just want what's best for you." He tells me.

"I know. But aren't we leaving for Wisconsin soon? Should we just wait until we get back?" I ask.

"I already thought about that. I think it would be best for you to see them after Wisconsin too. So you can see if you by chance get any better by seeing your siblings." He tells me.

"Okay" I say as I get back up. I walk over and grab kong to hold him. He's very comforting.

I then hear a small knock on the door. "I'll get it" I tell logan as I walk to the door holding kong.

I open the door and I saw a man with brown hair and a darker skin tone.

"Um hi, is logan here?" He asks me.

Logan hears him and immediately jumps up and yells "George! That's muh boiiiiii" very loudly.

"Logan!" He yelled back.

They bro hugged and then George looked at me. "Hello? And who may you be?" He asked.

"I'm doreen, you must be George I guess?" I say

"I sure as hell am." He tells me as we shake hands.

"Goerge, this is my new daughter" logan says.

"Um, what?" George asks.

"This is my new daughter. I adopted her about a week ago." He told George with a hint of pride in his voice.

"Well then why are we shaking hands? I'm practically her uncle I would like to hug my new neice" George said as he gave me a big bear hug. I hugged back and smiled, he was so accepting of me.

"Haha, so I guess your starting a family now?" Asks George.

"Yeah, and I love it" logan replied with a big smile. "And guess what? She loves playing piano."

"Really?" He asked.

"Yeah, I haven't played in a little over
A month and I haven't taken lessons in years." I told him.

"While, I only live across the street, wanna come over to my place and play something for us?" He asked me.

"Um, sure I guess."

We then got on our shoes and walked over to his place.

He was right, it wasn't even a full block or anything.

When we got there it was a nice apartment and you walked straight into the kitchen. Next to the kitchen was the living room and right against the back wall I saw a beautiful piano. I loved it right off the bat, I had never played anything so nice. All I had ever played were rickety old pianos and the only teachers I ever had were either my old neighbor who did it in trade for house work because she was old, or the old lady from the piano shop who gave me lessons out of pity.

"So whatcha say? Wanna play for us?" Asks George.

"Um sure" I say as I walk over to the piano.

I rest my hands on the keys as I think of what to play, then I finally decide on one of my favorites, a beautiful distraction by Michele McLaughlin.

I start to play and I hear logan gasp at first and that puts a slight grin on my face.

After I finish I look over and see the both of them with shocked happy faces and they both start clapping and cheering and yelling "encore" to me.

"Wow Doreen, that's amazing, I can't wait to teach you even more. One day your gonna be ten times better than me." George says. "Logan, how could you not tell me you adopted an amazingly talented daughter?" He asks.

"It just never came up in conversation." He joked.

"Well we need to start having better conversations then." He says "and we need to get this girl a fucking keyboard at least."

"Agreed" says logan.


"I'll fuck your mom!" Yelled logan.

"Don't you talk about my mother like that you filthy bastard!" Yelled back George. They had been play fighting for about an hour now and I'm starting to think this is all they do, but it's funny to me so I don't mind.

Finally we heard Logan's phone ring and he looked worried as he walked out into the hall to answer it. Leaving me and George alone to talk.

"So, how about we play a prank on Logan? Maybe say, we throw my merch on you and I hold you at water gun point so logan has to pretend to save you?" Says George.

"Agreed. Just grab one of your sweatshirts and I'll throw it on real quick." I tell him.

He grabs a sweatshirt and tosses it at me. He then goes and fills up the watergun.

"Okay, now come over here against the back wall so we're far away from him, he's a big dude so we want to keep things clean." George explains.

"Sure" I say as I walk over there.

George puts his arm around me and holds my arms to my side's as he puts the water gun to my head.

logan pauls adopted daughterWhere stories live. Discover now