Josh x Reader ↠ Jail

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Joshua William Dun is on the run.

He could hear the police sirens coming after him, but he was smart.

The smartest you knew. 

He ran down the dark streets, his bright yellow hair flowing in the wind as he desperately tried to find a place to hide.

He looked left to right, and spotted a small alley way and ran in. He could still hear the deafening sirens chasing him. He was like a rabbit and the police were like dogs. Josh knew he would get caught one day.

But not today.

He slipped and fell to the ground. He tried getting up, but instead cut his hand badly on a piece of glass that was on the hard floor. He cursed and tried getting up again until he heard the locks of guns. 

They finally caught him.

⚍ тιмe ѕĸιp тo jaιl ⚍

Josh hung his head low as he walked past the rusty cellars. His hands were in cuffs, and he hated it. They pushed him into a cell and Josh fell to the ground. He hissed in pain and looked at his hand. It was covered in blood and surely to get infected. He shook his head in frustration, "come on Josh! This is nothing compared to being in jail" he thought to himself and went to sit down on the white cell bed. He cursed at himself for slipping. He laid down on the bed and fell asleep. 

⚍ тιмe ѕĸιp тo мornιng ⚍

Josh woke up to the sound of banging and he lifted his head towards the cell door. He saw a cop- a girl. You looked at him with symphony when you saw his baggy eyes and messy hair but you quickly tried to look serious. "Food" you told Josh but he just looked away and didn't reply. This made you slightly annoyed. "Eat it or I'll report you" you sternly said as you stood up and turned to walk away when Josh suddenly smirked and stood up. You turned and saw him walking towards you. He just stared at you; eyes wandering up and down. You turned a bit pink and crossed your arms. "What is it, prisoner?" you asked and narrowed your eyes at the man, he only smiled at you and he put both of his arms through the cellar pillars and hung them. "Nothing, it's just, you're very pretty" Josh replied with a smug face. You turned even more pink and looked away. "Not very tough, are you...Y/N?" He said as he looked at your tag on your uniform. You huffed and quietly mumbled a 'I'm new' and he smirked at those words. "Well, why don't we talk for a bit, officer Y/N?" He asked you and you nodded slightly at him, intrigued. 

You both talked for a while and you got to knew him and why he's in prison. Josh felt the same and continued the conversation. He told you his past and his dreams, he had told you that he actually wanted to become a musician and this surprised you a bit. He was nice and kind to you and you enjoyed his company. He told you jokes and you laughed and Josh smiled at your beautiful laugh. He ran his hand through his hair when you noticed his hand was covered in red liquid. 


You gasped and Josh looked at you confusingly and you immediately grabbed his hand. He hissed a little and you looked at his hand. You looked up at him. "Don't worry, i-it's nothing" Josh told you reassuringly but you refused to listen. You suddenly let go of his hand and grabbed your walkie-talkie and said something into it. Josh tried to listen but you were talking too quietly. You suddenly nodded your head and walked away. "Y/N? Where are you going?" Josh asked you, but you just kept walking. He looked sad but only shook his head. He went back to his bed and sat on it. He felt...lonely. He wanted you to come back and talk to him. About 15 minutes later, you returned. He jumped up and went to the cellar door with a grin. You smiled at him. "Josh, give me your hand" you asked him kindly, he nodded and gave you his injured hand. You started to wrap his hand in the bandages you brought for him and he winced a little. "Sorry, this might hurt a bit" you told him. You felt a little bad for hurting him, but it was good for him. "Thank you Y/N." 

You looked up.

"For what?"

"For helping me and talking to me."

"Well, I wanted some company too, I guess. Thanks for talking to me, Josh."

You smiled at him and he smiled back. You finished bandaging his hand and noticed it was a little late. You both said your goodbyes and you told him you'd be there again in the morning.

⚍ тιмe ѕĸιp тo yoυr нoυѕe ⚍

You couldn't sleep. You kept thinking about Josh and you felt really bad for him. He was nicer than all the other prisoners. An idea popped in your head and you debated whether to do it or not. 

"Fuck it"

You were going to break Josh out of jail.

You jumped out of bed and got dressed into your uniform and bolted to your car. You turned on the ignition and drove to prison.

⚍ тιмe ѕĸιp вacĸ тo jaιl ⚍

You opened the door with your keys and quietly walked inside, trying not to wake up anyone. You finally made it to Josh's cell and opened the cell door. Josh stirred a little and opened his eyes. "Y-Y/N?," Josh whisper-yelled, "what are you doing here?!" he stood up and walked up to you. "I'm here to free you, Josh. I can't stand to see you in here" you replied and grabbed his arm and lead him to the door. "But why? Wouldn't you get in trouble for this?" Josh asked with concern but you shook your head and simply said "they won't find out, I'll just quit this job and find a new one." You and Josh went out of the cell and you quickly locked the door. You both speed-walked down the hall and out of jail. Josh couldn't believe it. He breathed in the fresh air and let out a deep breath. "Feel better?" you asked and chuckled. "Yeah, thanks, Y/N" Josh said and looked at you. You stared back at him with your y/e/c eyes. Josh started to lean in and so did you. Your lips met in a passionate kiss and he smiled against your soft lips. "Thank you" Josh said, "you're welcome, Josh" you replied and he grabbed your hand and led you to your car. 

Damn, it feels good to be a rebel. 

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