Tyler x Reader ↠ Tear In My Heart

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Heya, sorry I've been inactive.


But I'm back!!

Also, I'm gonna start doing QOTD on every imagine!

QOTD: Have ya'll seen them live?

AOTD: I have, once. It was the best day of my lifeeee omg

Also this one's pretty long ahaha


You were happily cheering for your long-term boyfriend, Tyler Joseph.

He was everything you wanted, he was brilliant in every way.

And I mean EVERY way ;).

What more could you ask for?

You were currently watching him and his best friend perform the night away with their talents. You were standing on the left side of the stage so you could get a perfect view of them. You loved going to their concerts (who doesn't?) because 1) you wanted to be there for your boyfriend and cheer them on 2) their concerts were extremely fun and 3) you got to see Tyler without his shirt on.

*Wink wink*

They had just finished playing Guns For Hands while Josh was going back to the main stage in the giant hamster ball. You waited for the next song to play, but unexpectedly, they didn't start playing. You slowed your clapping and waited for the next song. The crowd was going wild and you watched Tyler wait on his keyboard and look at his crowd. He smiled widely and looked over at Josh. Josh looked at Tyler and grinned, showing his pearly whites. He then turned to the right and poked his tongue out to the right side of the crowd and smiled at them. The whole right audience screamed and waved at Josh. You and Tyler laughed at the fangirls (and fanboys) screaming because Josh looked at them. Tyler started talking into the mic to get everyone's attention.

"How's everyone holding up?"

The crowd screams and cheers showing that they were good and ready to hear the next song.

"Okay, before we play the next song, I wanna show you guys something."

Tyler looked to the left and glanced at you and started to smile. You looked at him in confusion and you mouthed 'what?' while smiling.

That was the thing about Tyler.

When he smiles, it's very contagious.

He looked back at the crowd and grinned. "Guys, I want to bring someone up here," he said to them while standing up. He told the security to go get this someone.

You were waiting for this person to come on stage when the security was walking towards you. Mind you, they were very tall. You backed up a little and looked over at Tyler. He nodded and ushered you to come up. The security guided you to the stage and as soon as you set foot on the stage, the whole crowd cheered and screamed.

You waved at them and looked at the mosh pit. You loved their fans as much as they loved you. Sure, there were some haters but the ones that liked you always backed you up. That made you smile even more. You walked over to Tyler and he wrapped his strong arm around your waist. He looked at you with so much love, you felt like melting right there. He turned to face you fully and he looked at Josh and nodded. Josh got the message and ran over and held the mic in front of him so Tyler could hold both of your hands. You giggled at the two boys.

The crowd kept screaming and Josh raised his arms and waved them up and down so they could be quiet.

Tyler cleared his throat and began to speak.

"Y/N, aw man, where do I even start? You... you're the best, okay? I don't even have the words to explain how much I appreciate you. I love you so much and I couldn't ask for more. You're the stars in my night sky," he continued, the crowd laughed at his adorableness and effort, "the-the key to my heart, uhh....," he blushed at what he was going to say next, "and you're the twenty-one to my pilots." You grinned widely and blushed while the crowd was screaming and cheering for Tyler's speech. He looked at you and slowly started to kneel on one leg. Your eyes were starting to widen. "You make me so happy, I don't know I'd do without you. You've shown me how to be truly happy by, hell, even looking at me with your beautiful y/e/c eyes. You're perfect, just the way you are. I would tell you everything I love about you, but it would take me about 3 hours," Tyler said as he started to smile, you giggled and the crowd cheered. Tyler started to fish something out of his pocket and he let go of your hand so he could hold the object. "Y/N, you're the tear in my heart and I wouldn't trade you for anything in the whole universe. So, will you, Y/N Y/L, be my perfect, beautiful and wonderful bride?" Tyler looked at you and opened the velvet box showing you a beautiful diamond ring. The crowd started to scream in joy. You looked at Tyler and then at Josh and back to Tyler and you started to cry. Josh held the mic in front of you. The crowd stopped cheering and waited for your answer.

"Yes! Yes yes yES YES TYLER!"

You held out your hand and he carefully placed the ring on your finger. You admired it and showed the crowd and they screamed and clapped for your engagement. Tyler jumped up and told Josh something. Josh nodded and ran to his drums and started playing the intro to 'Tear In My Heart' and Tyler started singing and dancing. You joined in with him and he twirled you around and you laughed.

By the end of the concert, Tyler walked over to you while you stood in the middle of the stage. "Had fun, Mrs. Joseph?" he asked you and smirked. You laughed and nodded as he pulled you towards him and kissed you passionately on the lips. He let go and held your hand. Josh joined and stood next to Tyler and held his hand too.

You all bowed and told some significant and iconic words to everyone.

"We're Twenty One Pilots, and so are you."

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