Josh x Reader ↠ Pets

682 19 1

K/N = Kitten's name

this one is cuteee


You were sitting on the couch watching TV.  You were waiting for your boyfriend, Josh, to come back from the studio. You both had planned to go to the pet store when he would come home but you were tired of sitting around so you decided to call him. Josh picked up immediately.

"Hey, babe. What's up?"

"Hey, do you just want to meet at the pet store?"

"Yeah, sure! I'm nearly done anyway."

"Alright! I'll see you later!"

"Hey, Y/N?"


"I love you."

"I love you too, Josh."

"I'll see you later, bye!"

You could hear his smile through the phone and he hunged up. You smiled to yourself and got ready to go out.

⚍ тιмe ѕĸιp тo тнe peт ѕтore ⚍

You arrived to the front of the store and already saw Josh. Both of his hands were on the glass of a glass cage. "Hey, babe" you said as you walked and stood next to him. "H-hey, Y/N" Josh replied, but he didn't look away at what he was looking at. You looked at the cage and saw a tiny white kitten with bright green eyes. 

"Aw, it's so cute!! Can we get it?? Please, Y/N?? Please? Look at it's cute little face!"

"But Jo-"

"Please! I promise I'll take care of it!"

"Josh, we ca-"

"LOOk! Did you see that?? It just meowed! AWWW!"

"Oh, Josh."

You shook your head and kissed his cheek. Josh looked at you and smiled widely. "Does that mean-" you interuppted him by nodding your head. Josh smiled even wider and hugged you. He started to squeeze you and he jumped up and down.

 "Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou, Y/N! I love you sosososososo much" 

"I-I love y-you too but J-Josh, I c-can't breathe!"

Josh let go of you and you saw people staring. "Josh, people are staring.." you told him but Josh didn't care. He was already talking to the manager about the kitten. You chuckled to yourself and started getting your wallet out.  

You bought the kitten and you were about to put it in the cage, when Josh insisted that he'll carry it all the way home. You decided to let him carry the kitten. You were walking home together and Josh kept talking to the little kitten and you watched him. "Hey there little guy" you heard Josh say and you awed. Josh looked at you and blused. You quickly took this opportunity to take a photo of him. You posted it on instagram and captioned 'I don't know wha's cuter! Josh or the kitten!' and tagged him. Josh smiled.

⚍ тιмe ѕĸιp тo нoмe ⚍

As soon as you got home, Josh started playing with the kitten. Non stop.



"What are you gonna name it?"

"MMm.....what about K/N?"

"That's perfect!"

You joined Josh and started playing with K/N, it meowed and licked your hand. You smiled and picked it up and hugged it. Josh took this opportunity to, also, take a photo of you with K/N and he tagged you with the caption:

 'K/N is so cute! But Y/N is way cuter! Love you, babe!' 

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