Chapter 8

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"Wait, what?" The physical therapist asked, confused.

"I dropped a milk carton on my leg, and then my leg moved, and I felt a huge amount of pain." I said once more, hoping she would give me some answers.

"Jasmine," she sighed. "Are you sure?"

"Yes! I'm sure! What do I do?" I replied eagerly.

"Nothing. At least not right now." She began writing on a piece of paper. "Take these pills, and if your legs move again, call me. Okay? But I'm afraid that's all I can do right now."

I stared at my legs. I tried to get them to move, but they wouldn't budge.



"Hey TALFOUR!" I yelled to Talia, who was standing next to my locker.

"Hey." She said blankly.

"Okay, what the hell is up with you? Your so spacey."

"Just shut up okay?" I watched as she walked away.

"What's her problem?" Parker said, behind me.

"Yeah, I don't know." I picked at the thread hanging from my grey shirt.

"I do know one thing. She really likes you!" I exclaimed, turning to face Parker.

"WHAT." Parker yelled, his eyes bulging out of his head.

"Go out with her! Maybe she will be happier!" I said.

"But Wheels, I don't like her. I like y-someone else."

"Pleeeeeeeease! Parker do this one thing for me!"

"Ugh, fine." Parker pouted.

"Yay! Thank you so much!" I playfully kissed him on the cheek and rolled away.

In social studies, I sat next to Parker.

"Did you ask her out yet?" I whispered.

"No! I will after school." He snapped at me.

"Jeez, touchy touchy."



The bell rang to leave. I was followed by wheels, and I walked up to Talia.

"So um, Talia?" I asked, not very sure on what I'm about to do. "Do you want to go to a movie tonight or something?"

I waited for her response. There's no backing up now. I glanced at Jasmine, who was staring at Talia, mouthing "yes" to her.

"Sure! Id love too!"

"Okay, cool. I'll pick you up at 7?" I asked, now certain I didn't want to do this. I kept looking at Jasmine, seeing what her reactions are. They made me want to laugh. I focused back on Talia, and I grabbed her hand and walked down the hallway, leaving Jasmine. Now I really, didn't want to do that.


I was in my room, examining my leg. The bruise made my thigh black and blue. I tried so hard to move it.

"Ugh. Move!" I yelled at my leg, like it could hear me. Not even noticing I was doing it, my leg moved up, and flopped back down. I gasped.

"Dad! Come here!" I yelled.

"What?" He said, running in.

"I can move my leg!" I screamed.

I picked up my leg, just a fracture of and inch, and it flopped back down.

"I'm calling the therapist." My dad said looking at me.

An hour later the therapist came over with two doctors with her.

"Okay let me see." She said as she walked into my room. I inched my legs up, and they flopped back down.

She kneeled down, with her mouth wide open.

"Do it again." She ordered.

I inched my legs up and they flopped.

The therapist motioned for the doctors to come near me. They did some tests.

"Come to the hospital at 9. We will have a specialist look at you. This is a very interesting case, Jasmine. Very interesting." She said as she walked out.

"Thank you!" I yelled.


"Hey! How did the date with Talia go?" I asked Parker over the phone.

"Surprisingly good. I think I like her."

"Really? So this other girl you like is out of your head now?" I questioned.

"Yeah. I think so." He said.

"So anyways, I'm not going to be at school tomorrow. I'm going to the hospital to get my legs checked out." I mentioned.

"Is everything okay?" Parker asked.

"Yes, it's just that I can move them some, and they want to know what's happening." I replied.

"Oh my god! That's great! So does that mean your gonna walk?"

"It's not that simple.

I hope so, though."

"I won't be able to call you Wheels anymore." Parker pouted.

"Don't worry, I laughed. "You'll figure out something to call me. Goodnight, Parker."

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