Chapter 12

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Parker left a few hours before, about five minutes before my dad came back.

"How was your weekend?" I asked Josh, tugging at his shirt.

"We rode dinosaurs!" Josh screamed, raising his hands in the air. "Oh really?" I chuckled. "Go up stairs, I have to talk to dad."

"So," I sighed, "how was your weekend?" I asked, eyeing him.

"Uh, fine." He chuckled nervously. "Josh loved it." He was cutting a carrot, and he almost cut his finger off.

"Who was with you?"

"Josh, obviously."

"Dad! I'm not stupid! I'm turning 16 next week!" I laughed, wheeling closer to him.

"Well? Who were you with this weekend? I know you didn't stay home this weekend because you have midterm tests and you had to "study"."

Dad said, putting air quotes around the word study. I scoffed, "Excuse me, I-I didn't have anyone over." I lied. I thought back to when Parker was here.

"Mmhmm." My dad murmured. "Dinner will be ready in 20 minutes."

I wheeled up into my room and pulled out my sketch book. I have always had a little passion for drawing, and I guess you could say they were good, but I wouldn't want to showcase them in front of thousands of people. My phone dinged, and I picked it up. Talia's name popped up on my screen.

'Outside. Now.' The message read.

'But it's cold.' I typed.

'Now!' She replied.

I sighed, pulled on my jacket and shoes and rolled outside. Talia was standing there, her arms crossed over her chest.

"Your alcoholic mom killed my mom."

My heart shuttered, I swallowed.

"Look, I found out like a few weeks ago, okay? I'm really sorry I didn't tell you sooner. Who told you?" I asked, guilt flooding over me. "Oh please, I'm not an idiot. You really thought that people bought you were born like that? Parker told me." She smirked.

"What's your problem? I thought we were friends?" I was hurt, she was my friend.

"Yeah? Well you thought wrong." Talia scoffed, pacing back and fourth.

"You know, I could tell everyone your mother was a crazy bitch, and that you did drugs when you were 12, just to hurt you. Just like you hurt me." Talia remarked, stopping where she was and turned to face me.

"I'm sorry, Parker broke up with you. And I am just starting to feel welcome at this school. You can't do that! I had absolutely no control over that accident and what happened with Parker. Got it?" I yelled.

"Break up with him!" She screamed, coming closer to me.

"Or what? Your gonna kill me?" I smirked, crossing my arms over my chest.

"No, but if you don't, I'll ruin the chances of you ever making friends at that school, or anywhere else for that matter. It may even break you Parker up. You don't want him to hate you, now do you?"

"Parker doesn't hate me." I mumbled.

"He will after I text him."

"Talia! Please!"


"Fine! I'll call it off, whatever it was. Just don't tell Parker. Please." I turned away, and wheeled into my room.

How had she found out about all that stuff? I picked up my phone, and began to dial Parker's number. But something in me clicked- no one, absolutely no one, gets to take someone's happiness away. Parker made me happy. I wasn't going to give my happiness away.

I typed Talia's name into the new message box.

'I broke it off. Don't tell anyone.' I lied.

'We will see. I make the rules.' She replied seconds later.

I'm done with her crap.

'Parker was never into you. I made him ask you out because I thought it would help our friendship, but there was really never a friendship to begin with. Parker will never be happy with you.'

I wasn't sure if I should send the message. Was it going to push her to tell?

I guess we'll find out.

I clicked send, and let out a sigh. Not hearing anything back for a few minutes, I started to relax. My phone dinged, and the message read.

'You earned it Jasmine.'

My hands started trembling. I deleted the messages and slammed my phone down on the desk.


Monday rolled around, and I was sitting at my locker. Talia hasn't told anyone yet, I'm assuming. I have gotten through the morning without any stares, name calling, and made fun of. So I think we're good. My thoughts began racing. Two gentle hands touched my shoulders, which made me flinch.

"Hey, it's just me." Parker chuckled, skirting around me to get to his locker.

"Hey." I mumble quietly. He grabs his things and crouches down, his face even with mine. He links my fingers with his. "What's wrong?" He asked genuinely. "Nothing, anymore." I kiss him lightly on the lips, and unlace our fingers. "I have to go, I'll see you tomorrow. Okay?" I turned around and began to wheel away. "Wait!" Parker called after me. Tears welled up in my eyes. "Yeah?" I choked back the cries, not sure why I was crying. "You can tell me anything, you know that, right?" He grabbed my hands. "Yes. I know, but not this." I pulled away and wheeled out of the school. There was still one thing I had to keep a secret...

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