Chapter 15

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It was the Friday before Christmas break.

"Hey." I said to Parker as I approached my locker.

"H-Hi." Parker stammered, papers falling from his hands. Parker has kind of been out of it since I talked to him on Monday.

"Are you okay?" I asked him, he always had the same answer. "Y-Yeah, I'll see you later, okay?" He kissed me lightly on the cheek and walked away. I shrugged my shoulders, not at all concerned about the way he was acting.

"Your BF is acting a little weird, don't ya think?" Talia mentioned, outing air quotes around 'BF'. I hadn't seen Talia standing there before. I sighed, and pulled my things out of my locker. "No, Talia. I don't think so, and I don't think it's any concern to you." I snapped, not even looking at her. I'm just really tired of her. Her 'threats' are getting old.

"Oh, really? Because everything thats happening with him has a lot to do with me." She leaned down, inches away from me.

"Let me guess, he hasn't told you?" Talia smirked and started to walk away. I grabbed her hand, "Told me what?"

Talia smirked and jerked her hand out of my grasp. "You'll find out soon enough."

That left me confused. What had Parker done? I tried talking to him later that day, but I couldn't find him anywhere.

Saturday rolled around, and I still couldn't get what Talia said to me out of my mind.

'Your that clueless?' The message said, it was from Talia, like she knew exactly what I was thinking about.

'Im sorry?' I replied.

'You still don't know why he's so freaked?' She typed back.

'No..he won't tell me.'

'He cheated on you, with me. Yeah, that "Happy Birthday, beautiful" text he sent you? It was actually from me. I would love to see your face right now, but I gotta run.'

It took me awhile to process everything that has just been said to me.

"I need to talk to you." I said into the phone, hours later. Parker was on the other end. "Can you come over?" My leg was shaking nervously up and down, I was biting my nails. What really was there to worry about? He wouldn't do that to me, or us. Were we even that serious? Like a month isn't a long time at all. Right? Talia always tried to do things to get under my skin. Could this just be one of her little games she loved to play?

"Uh, sure. I'll be over there soon." Parker hung up the phone, and I waited nervously for him to ring the doorbell. What was I going to do if this really did happen? What am I going to say when he gets here? Am I even going to ask him about it or just let it slip by? The thoughts in my mind replayed themselves. The doorbell rang, pushing me out of my thoughts. I glided down the stairs and pulled the door open. "Hi." Parker mumbled.

"I need to talk to you about something." I said slowly, pulling out my phone to show him the texts from Talia. Parker nodded knowingly, as if he knew what I was about to show him. I sighed heavily and said, "Is there anything you want to tell me?" I said, my voice cracking with every word spoken. Parker took my phone from my hands, and began scrolling through the messages. "Is this some kind of joke? You wouldn't do that to me, w-would you?" I said. My voice sounded wobbly, like I was about ready to cry.

Parker let out a sigh, and laid my phone down on the counter. He ran his fingers through his hair.

"I-I don't r-really know what to say right now." Parker admitted, his voice cracking too. My eyes began to well with tears. I shook my head in denial. "No. You didn't do this to me. Your lying." I felt like I was going to break in half, right in front of him.

"Jasmine- I-I am so so sorry." Parker said, wiping the little tears he had from under his eyes. It looked like he had no expression, no emotion about what he has done to me. He broke my heart.

"That's that's all you have to say for yourself?" I let the tears fall, not bothering to wipe them away.

"I'm sorry? You hurt me. You never loved me like you said you did. I just can't-can't believe you would do this to me!" I yelled.

"I was drunk." Parker said blankly.

"You don't care. You never ever did, did you? I knew if I started dating the "bad boy" he was just going to break my heart." I scoffed. I was just in shock. I really thought he like me- loved me even, but no.

"Jasmine! I care about you so much, you do not know how bad I feel about this." He kneeled down, and continued. "Talia means nothing to me. Absolutely nothing. I promise you that. I love you. Not her."

"Love is a strong word, Parker." I said, knowing he didn't mean it. He just said it so I would stick around.

"We have been dating for a month, and you already cheated on me. A month? Really? I though I finally found someone who cared about me." I smirked, wheeling back away from him.

"I wouldn't call it cheating." Parker began to say.

"Oh really? What would you call it? Drunken sex?" I smirked mockingly. I waited for his response.

There wasn't one.

"I think you should go. I need time to think." I stated, showing him to the door.

"I love you." Parker said as he walked out.

I didn't say it back, I didn't even say goodbye. I wheeled up the ramp as fast as I could sped into my room. I quickly shut the door behind me and began to sob. I rolled over to my bed, pulled myself out of my chair, and climbed into bed. I really wished that somebody was here to help me, like my mom. My dad wouldn't know how to handle it, I don't have any real friends, and Josh is five. I kept thinking of different reasons of why Parker would do this to me. I know he was drunk and all, but Talia? Really? I guess this is bonus points in her little game she wants to play.


I had physical therapy again later that day. I had scheduled another appointment because I needed to get Parker off my mind.

I arrived at the hospital around 6:30. I checked in, and waited for the doctor to call my name. While waiting, I got several texts from Talia and Parker.


Talia: 'I don't feel bad, if that's what you think.'

Parker: 'Please, Jasmine.'

Talia: 'I was your friend, at first. Then you stole Parker from me.'

Parker: I don't think I can live without you.

Talia: 'ugh, whatever. I'm sorry. But I still hate you.'

The last message caught me by surprise. She was sorry? Ha, wait. It's Talia. She's never sorry. What was I thinking? I re-read Parker's message; 'I don't think I can live without you.' The message had said.

"Your going to have figure out how." I said aloud to myself.

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