Chapter 10

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"That does not need to happen again." Parker whispered to me at my locker.

"Forget about it. We didn't do anything." I whispered back. He's the one who tried to kiss me. Not the other way around.

"Yeah, well something almost did, and that makes me feel guilty as hell." Parker snapped, like it was my fault.

"If you don't recall, you wanted to kiss me. So stop pinning the blame on me!" I raised my voice a little.

"Yeah, but you let it happen!" Parker looked around to make sure no one could hear us.

"Jesus, Parker. Nothing happened. I could have just as easily turned around after my dad left and kissed you, I wanted to, but then I remembered you were dating my best friend!" Tears brimmed at my eyes, and I slammed my locker shut and pushed down the hallway.

Do I have feelings for Parker? I really hope not, because whatever I felt is gone.

I decided to skip the rest of the day. I couldn't deal with Parker. I couldn't look at Talia without feeling guilty, even though I didn't do anything. When I got home, I walked in on Vicki and my dad fighting.

"Who is Anthony and why do you have to get the money!?" My dad yelled.

"I'm really sorry! I didn't mean to use you like this! I just needed money, and you were the closest thing to the amount I needed!"

"How much? I want you out of my life!"

Vicki sighed. "10,000"

My dad pulled out his check book.

"Dad, don't!" I yelled, wheeling into the living room.

"Get out now or I will call the cops and have you arrested for drug possession and child abuse." I yelled.

Vicki looked frightened.

"Get out!" I screamed, Vicki scrambled out of the house, and into her car, and drove away. That was the last time I ever saw her.

"Child abuse?" My dad questioned.

"Yep, child abuse." I said. I wheeled out of the living room and up the ramp into my room.

When I got to my room, I hadn't realized how much I wanted to cry. I let the tears fall, and think about everything that has happened. It's all because of that damn accident, and the stupid chair. I have never had anyone to turn to, no one who cared.

Well I thought I did, but I ruined that.

"She's upstairs." I heard my dad say.

I heard a knock at my door. I opened it, and Parker was standing there.

"Wh-what are you doing here?" I asked, wiping away my tears, hoping he wouldn't notice I was crying moments before.

"I came to apologize." He said, picking at the skin around his thumb.

"I kinda find that hard to believe." I said, lifting myself onto my bed.

"I'm really sorry, I shouldn't have snapped at you like that. It was my fault not yours. I wanted to kiss you." Parker sat next to me. I sniffled. "Hey, why were you crying?" He cupped my face into his hands, and brushed his thumb under my eye, which made me cry more. I sobbed into his shoulder, and he gathered me into a hug.

"Sh, it's okay. I'm here." He whispered. He kissed the top of my head. I wrapped my arms around his muscular frame. We just sat there.


"Talia! Why are you freaking out? She's my friend and your friend too!" Parker yelled.

"Fine! I was going to break up with you anyways!" He yelled through the phone.

He walked in a few seconds later. It was Thursday now, and we were working on our project for geometry.

"Wait, did you just break up?" I asked. I thought Talia was being unreasonable. I mean, it's me for gods sake.

"Yeah, I guess." Parker shrugged his shoulders.

"But I thought you liked her?" I was curious, did he lie?

"I thought I did too." Parker admitted.

I have to admit, I was kinda happy that him and Talia broke up. Why? Yeah, I don't know.

Or do I?

"So are you okay?" I asked Parker. He seems fine, but I know he's hurting.

"Yeah, I'm kinda over it." Parker said, glancing over at me. We sat across from each other.

There was a long period of silence between Parker and I.

"Why?" Parker broke the silence.

"Why what?" I asked, confused.

"Why did you make me go out with Talia? I obviously didn't want to, but you insisted! I didn't like her! I never did!" Parker yelled. I was kind of surprised by him lashing out at me. He usually wasn't the one to do this type of stuff.

"I-I don't know. I'm sorry. You know that." I stuttered.

"Really? Because I've never heard you say it." Parker scoffed.

"C'mon, Parker! I'm really sorry! I thought it would change things between us but-" Parker cut me off.

"It's always about you, isn't it? Little Jasmine, in the wheelchair. You think you have it so bad, but you really don't." Parker finally finished. He stood up and started to walk out.

"Stop!" I yelled.

He turned around to face me.

"So, um who do you like?" I chuckled nervously. That was kind of a random question for the situation right now, but I wanted to know.

Parker kneeled down, his face level with mine. He leaned in, his lips connecting with mine. We fit perfectly together, like puzzle pieces. I cupped his face with my hands. He soon pulled away.

"Does that answer your question?"

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