Chapter 11

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I rolled into school bubbly and happy. I humming my favorite song down the hallway, smiling at everyone, until I heard this idiotic comment from someone.

"They had sex! Parker and Jasmine."

Um, I'm sorry, what?

We kissed, for 3 seconds. I ignored the remark until I heard it again, again, and again. Who the hell was telling people that?

"Who told you that?" Someone whispered. "Parker did!"

Parker? What?

I sped down the hallway and found Parker talking to a bunch of seniors.

I grabbed his arm and pulled him off to the side.

"Why are you telling everyone we did that?" I whispered. Parker had a confused look on his face.

"What? Doing what?" Parker asked, furrowing his eyebrows together.

"Sex!" I rolled my eyes.

"Wh-What? Look, Jasmine, I am not telling people that! I promise you! We just kissed and that was a mistake." Parker quickly realizing what he just said a little too late.

A mistake? I obviously know his feelings weren't true now.

"A mistake?"

"I felt sorry. Uh- look, I really do like you, but-" I cut him off.

"Do me and yourself a favor, stop feeling sorry and get the hell away from me." I wheeled away, feeling terrible. Tears rolled down my cheeks. I was tired of being pitied on. I want to be normal. I stopped where I was and just sat there, thinking.



I watched Jasmine as she went down the hallway. What have I done? Why did I do that? I really do like her, I didn't feel sorry for her. Why am I such an idiot? I sighed and leaned my head against my locker, then I decided. If I really liked her, I'm going after her.

I started running down the hallway, and when I turned the corner, I almost ran into Jasmine.

"Jasmine, please. I didn't mean that. I promise you, I'm not the one yelling people that, and I don't feel sorry for you." I blurted out, still panting from my little run. After a moment of silence, she grabbed my neck and wrapped her arms around me.

"Please, please don't ever feel sorry for me. Because soon you won't." I was relieved that she forgave me, because I don't know if I could go on if she didn't.

I sat in the hospital waiting room, thinking about a lot. Parker was really close to Talia, and Talia's mom. Should I tell him? But I mean, we aren't dating, or anything. Right? I mean I want to, do I? I'm just confused right now.

"Jasmine Pennbrook?" The doctor questioned, and motioned me to his office. I rolled in and sat in front of his oak wood desk.

"Um, your test results were inconclusive." The doctor blurted out.


"So, what does this mean?"

"More tests, pills, uh-" he started to say.

"No!" I yell. "No more pills, no more needles, no more tests! I'm not your lab monkey, and I'm tired of waiting around for something that isn't going to happen." I storm out of the office, and into the parking lot. I see Parker waiting for me.

I got into the car, and he stuffed my chair into the trunk.

"So, anything?" Parker asked as he was getting into the car.

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