Chapter 16

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"Well, Ms. Pennbrook, you are making excellent progress in your therapy, and I mean excellent." The doctor plastered a big goofy grin over his face, which had always annoyed me. "Last week was your best therapy session. You made a tremendous amount of progress." The doctor said, stacking the paperwork on top of his desk.

"Last week." I mumbled. I thought back to last weeks events. He hadn't talked to me, I hadn't talked to him. We still had one more week of break left, and I was entirely grateful for that.

The doctor nodded his head, and began to stand up. "Come with me, please." The doctor lead me out, and I followed him closely behind. We passed a few doors, turned down some hallways, and finally we stopped in front of an empty room, with just a chair and to crutch-like sticks. The doctor sat in the chair. I stopped cold in the doorway, staring at him like he was crazy.

"Um, I'm kinda confused." I said awkwardly, flicking my attention toward the crutch things.

"Well, I need you to walk."

"Um, last time I checked, my legs don't work."

"I told you, Ms. Pennbrook, you are ready for this." He looked at me sympathetically.

"Um no you didn't! You said I have progressed, you didn't say I was ready to walk!" I stated. I was not ready to walk. Walking is for people who can walk. That is why I am in a wheelchair. I cannot walk. Period.

"Besides, I've been coming here for a month, that's definitely not much time as of me being able to walk."

The doctor nodded understandingly.

"Try it, please." The doctor said blankly.

"No! I'm not ready. Please, I'll try when I come back next week. Please don't make me do this." I begged. I know it might sound crazy, but I don't want to walk. I've spent 3 and a half years in this chair, and I'm tired of change.

The doctor sighed, and stood up.

"Okay. I'll see you Thursday at 6:30."

The doctor walked out, leaving me in the empty room.

I sat there, staring at the crutch things. I couldn't do that. I would fall instantly, humiliating myself in front of a doctor. No thanks.

I looked away from the crutches and led myself out the door.


Well, isn't this great. I thought I could have one more week away from Parker and Talia, but no. The freaking school had to shorten break. Like is that even legal? Thursday through Sunday brushed by quickly. Sunday night, I was sitting in my bed drawing. My hands trembled at the thought of seeing them tomorrow, and my stomach filled with butterflies everyone I thought about it. (And not the good kind of butterflies, either.)

"Ugh, dad! You know why I can't go to school tomorrow." I shouted. I heard footsteps coming through the halls, and they soon approached my door.

"Yep, I do. But you still have to go."

I rolled my eyes, and continued drawing, until a question came to my mind.

"Dad, why was Vicki here last week?"

He sighed, walked over, and sat at the foot of my bed.

"She just showed up."

"Okay." He walked out, and I heard the door shut with a click. I knew he was lying, I just didn't know why.

It was getting late, so I decided to finish my doodling and go to sleep, dreading the days to come.


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