Chapter 17

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A/N I apologize in advance if this chapter sucks, I have no ideas for this story anymore lol

I sat in my room, tapping the back of my phone. I was debating on wether or not to call Talia. My long nails made a faint clicking noise as I hit them lightly on my phone. I gave in to my senses, and called her.

"Hey! It's Talia! Sorry I can't get to the phone right now, leave a message, bye!"

Ew, voicemail.

"Uh, hey. It's me. I uh," there was a long pause, then I continued. "I can't believe I'm about to do this, but uh, I'm-I'm forgiving you." I slapped my hand on my knee.

"Just please, please tell me everything that happened that night, or day. Or whatever. Okay? I deserve to know the truth." I ended the call and sighed. Maybe if i find out the truth I can fully forgive her.

Throughout dinner I constantly checked my phone, looking to see if she had called back.


I guess I deserved the silent treatment after what I said to her. But I deserved to know the truth about what happened. I mean he was my boyfriend.

"Whatever." I mumbled to myself, picking up my fork again.

"I'm going to sleep." I blurted.

"Uh, it's 7:30."

"A girl needs her sleep. Love you." I said to my dad.

"Bye Jazzy!" Josh yelled.

I chuckled, "bye Josh." I rolled up the ramp and into my room. As soon as I pushed myself out of my chair and into my beanbag, my phone chimed.

"One new message." My phone spoke. I sighed and clicked 'listen to voice message'

Talia's voice itched through the phone, her voice barley audible.

"I prefer to do this is in person. I am really sorry. And your right, you deserve to know the truth."

The message cut off, leaving a fuzzy sound through the speakers.

"Time to get to bed, J." My dad said, opening the door.

"Yeah, okay. Night." I mumbled.

I wheeled over to my dresser and pulled on some pajamas, and pushed myself out of the chair and into bed. I switched my lamp off. I tried to drift to sleep, but I lie there, thinking. I kept debating on wether or not to trust Talia. She's done this before, and she could easily pull it off again. I finally fell asleep, my thoughts carrying me away.


I woke up at 3:05. My clock ticked, and my house was silent. It was snowing outside. The white specks made me think of when Parker and I started dating. Is it like normal for me to miss him? I broke up with him though, I shouldn't be missing him, right? I don't know shit about boys, I've never dated one.

I sat up in my bed, more stressed and confused than ever.

"What the hell is wrong with me." I mumbled to myself. I smirked mockingly and shook my head. My phone buzzed silently on the nightstand. A message popped up, it was from Parker. "I need to talk to you. Now. I know you don't want to speak to me." It read.

Dude, it's like three in the morning.

And he's right, I don't want to speak to him. I do want to to know what's wrong with him.

I ignored his text and laid back on my bed. I didn't know what to do anymore. How did this all happen to me? Sometimes I think that if that day three years ago didn't happen, none of this would have. I sighed, drifting back off to sleep.


My alarm clock buzzed, jolting me awake. It was 6:30, and I did not want to go to school, and it was only Tuesday.

"SNOW DAY!" Josh yelled, running into my room.

"Wha?" I mumbled, still have asleep.

"Snow day, Jasmine. Go back to sleep." My dad said behind Josh. I hadn't seen him walk in, but I shrugged it off.

"Alright. Whatever." They walked out of my room, Josh still bouncing up and down on his feet. I couldn't go to sleep now. A few minutes later, Parker called. I sighed, and like an idiot, I answered.

"No school, can we talk today, please?" Parker

I hesitated for a few seconds to answer back, so I kinda just sat there with my phone. I finally replied back, saying, "Um I-I'm already doing something today."

"Please, Jasmine. I need to tell you something."

"No, Parker. You should have thought about that before you cheated on me." I hung up the phone, later regretting saying that.

'Can we talk today?' I texted to Talia.

'Yeah,' she texted back. 'Food court at the mall? 12:00?'

'Yeah, sure. See ya then.' I replied.

The next few hours flew by, and I soon found myself waiting at the mall around 12:55. It was obvious that she wasn't going to show, so as I was gathering my things she appeared in front of me.

"Oh, uh, hi." I mumbled.

"Sorry I'm late." She said.

"It's fine."

We sat there awkwardly for a few minutes, waiting for each other to say something.

"Okay, let me just say this, I'm really truly sorry, okay?" She blurted. I knew she was sorry, she doesn't have to say it every time I see her.

"Well, you know what? That's not what I'm here for. Tell me the truth, or us being friends is never ever going to happen. Got it?" I snapped.

"Yeah, got it." Talia murmured.

"Do you still love him?" She asked, squinting at me.

Honestly, I didn't even know the answer to that question.

"Why? Why does it matter." I asked, darting my eyes back and forth.

"Because he's hiding something, I can feel it."

"I thought we came here to talk about what happened." I said blankly.

"Those bruises," she continued, ignoring my request.

"There's something wrong. And I need your help."

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