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I found this empty notebook in the park so I might as well use it, right?

So should my first "entry" in this be personal? Might as well.
I need to be someone else. I have so many things wrong with me. I'm constantly reminded that I'm not good enough and it just sucks. Heck, I even tried running away when I was 11 because I was sick of everyone treating me like shit.

I know this is just a diary/book, but I never know who's going to find it in like 10 years, so here's some basic information on me. This could be worth thousands when I'm (probably not) a famous artist, maybe in a band...I'm Hayley, I'm 16, nearly 17, and I hate most people except for my friends and a few bands. I have anxiety, i never get more than five hours of sleep, I cry at least four to fifteen times a week, I'm bi, and I never leave the house unless it's to go to school, resulting in my skin being really frickin pale.

I guess school went okay today, my friends kinda made fun of the music I played. I can't help it if I like loud, punk/indie/early 2000's rock music, it just comforts me. But my friend Maisy said she used to listen to one of the bands I like, Fall Out Boy, when she was younger.


Hi, I'm HayleyWhere stories live. Discover now