can't break my spirit

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it's dark, I haven't slept, haven't eaten, I'm bruised and everything fucking sucks but I'm so stubborn I refuse to give up. I'm not giving anyone that satisfaction.

I'm worried for the other girls though, what happened to them? Are they okay? I hope so. And what of Veari? I saw them get shot for gods sake! Holy shit what if they're like really badly injured or something? Oh dear lord what if theyre dead... I'm gonna kill every single Drac I see when I get out of here.

I had a full on breakdown an hour or two ago but I'm good now. That's old news. Now I gotta figure out a way to get outta here. I mean, I have to try anyway...I don't give up. I'm a crybaby and I'm always anxious as hell but I don't give up (most of the time) and I'll hate myself if I don't try so I guess I have to.

I stand up and begin pacing the small, cold room, thinking of my options.

There's a vent I could break into and climb through but it's it's too high up. Why do I have to be so short? It's a curse.
I cautiously approach the door, as if it would blow up at any moment. I don't know why.
The door is bolted shut from the outside and I can't exactly reach underneath it...the floor maybe? I could dig a hole? That'd take forever though. Fuck!

Well that settles it then.

"Someone get me the HELL out of here!!"

I kick the door with the bottom of my foot as if it'll fall over, but nothing happens.

"Son of a bitch."

Sulking, I lay on the uncomfortable metal bed I've got, using my torn jacket as a pillow. As I drift off into what I can only imagine as an uneasy sleep, I start thinking.
Yeah, I've probably been left in here to die, but I'll probably be moved soon. Dirty, cold and cramped cells aren't the style of Battery City.
It could be worse. I could be being tortured. Or experimented on.



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