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Okay, so I've been training properly to be a Killjoy for two days now, and I love it. But there's just one problem. I won't be able to learn too much more here, so I have to leave this place and go to a different centre so I can fight better.

And worse, I might have to have memories erased so I don't hold anyone back because I'm thinking about people. Worse than that, I asked what memories I could keep, and they said that all the memories with someone I love or care about (apart from my dads and uncles) would be erased. So I wouldn't remember Maisy, Summer, Isobel...I wouldn't remember anyone...but that's only if I agree, and I don't have to. But unfortunately, it makes sense that I'd have to let those memories go. But still, I don't wanna forget all my friends!

Ya know what? Fuck that, I'm staying here. The only way I'm leaving my friends is if I get dragged away by BLI. And that won't happen. I'll let Gerard know tomorrow that I'm not going anywhere.

Some good news, I told Maisy about my crush (which is certain now) and she promised not to tell! I came out at the same time so that's all done, and honestly I'm glad I did. The only thing I'm scared of now is my crush finding out I like them. I have no idea if they even like girls. I hope Maisy won't tell, but then again it's Maisy for crying out loud. She tells everyone everything. Was this a bad idea? Probably...oh fuck.
Yep there's the anxiety I was waiting for.

Well anyway I have that to think/panic about now. Great!


A/N: I'm thinking of maybe sometimes changing this book from a diary to an author narrated thing...so basically a new POV. I'll write at the top of the chapters 'Journal' or 'Real' so it's not too confusing.
Also, check out the amazing Killersending because they're writing a Killjoy book too, it's where Hayley was originally made up. And ya know, they're just super awesome 😊

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