What I'd say to her if I could

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I'm so glad I have this journal to write in. Otherwise I'd like totally die from bottling up my weird ass emotions.

So I'm in love with Crash Fire and we're girlfriends, but I cannot for the life of me bring myself to tell her how much I genuinely care. I mean, I tell her little things like "you're cute" and all that...but there's soooo much more I'd like to say. I'm just not good with words and I don't know how to be emotional and serious. Like I'm not a mega tough stone cold bitch but I'm not exactly the most connected with my feelings. I just block everything out I guess.
I'll say it to Crash one day. I promise. But for now here it is on the pages of a journal.

You are seriously the most beautiful, inspiring and intelligent girl I've ever met and I don't know if I tell you that enough but..my god you are so perfect in every way and you mean more to me than you could ever imagine. I love the sound of your voice and how soft it gets when we're alone, I love your laugh and I love how much you care about the team. You're there to hold me together when I'm falling apart, you not only tolerate my childishness but you laugh and join in too. I'm so in love with you..you're my soulmate and I'll always fight by your side. I'd willingly take a damn bullet for you. I love you Crash.

Wow. I don't think I paused to think while writing that. Like at all. I literally just put my thoughts onto paper woaahhhh cool I should try that more often.

also look what happened to my bag after I tried tricking the team with a glitter bomb

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also look what happened to my bag after I tried tricking the team with a glitter bomb. It backfired a little...there was soooo much glitter it took forever to clean up. My cool jacket still has bits of purple glitter on it!


A/N: hiiii look I updated and it hasn't been twelve billion years! And yes that is my actual bag and yes it was a failed glitter bomb. Karmas a bitch? I don't know lol I was just trying to completely cover my friends in glitter that's all I mean nothing terrible about that mwahhahaha
K bye

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