battle bitches

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(Cherry isn't writing this, it's happening in the present. Also this chapter is gonna be long lmao)

The team is getting ready to fight, we're all getting in position and we know our target. Our only obstacles are the Dracs and of course, Korse.
The weather doesn't quite seem real, it's bright and sunny, blue skies surround the city like a fake halo of happiness. The tall buildings and bridges loom over us, casting shadows where any threat might lurk, ready to strike.
We're all in a less known area of Battery City, old bricks are carelessly tossed in random places, massive metal boxes replace buildings. And ominous dark patches stain the concrete ground, making my stomach turn.
It's somewhere nobody goes willingly.

Me and Missy are sitting behind this giant grey shipping container waiting for Crash to give the signal for us to move. Star, Neon, Nim, Vol, and Bowmain are keeping lookout for trouble.

I fiddle with my gun, spinning it around in my hand "This'll be fun." I say. Missy looks shocked at my words.

"How will this be fun? Aren't you scared?"

"Terrified. But I'm trying to convince myself otherwise."

"Me too." Missy stares blankly into space and I'm momentarily confused, like why does she look so upset? Until I remember the last time we were here she had to kill Acid Bullet.
"Hey," I speak in a calm tone "it'll be okay."
She smiles at me just as Crash waves us over, signalling that it's safe for us to move forward.

I call the others on the radio, letting them know we're ready.

No trouble yet. Actually considering how close we are to the cure, we should be surrounded by Dracs by now. This is too easy...something's gonna happen. I know it.
My chest tightens and I feel my breaths shorten. 'It's gonna be fine. It'll be okay.' I hold my arms to my chest, hugging myself as I walk. 'What if I screw up? What will my team think? What if I can't protect Crash? I'm going to die aren't I? Oh my god I'm gonna get shot..and I'll...I'll fail my team.'
I feel a freezing wave of terror wash over me and I start shivering... 'I don't think I can save myself.' Tears start streaming down my face and I fall in the ground, pulling my knees to my chest. 'No no no not now this can't happen now we don't have time for this there's literally no time for this shit Cherry you fucking idiot' I squeeze my eyes shut and try pushing the attack away by myself. Then I feel someone's arm around my shoulders, and it doesn't take long for me to realise who it is.
Crash speaks in a soft, soothing tone, simply talking to me, trying to calm me down. She's not talking about the mission though. Literally just dogs and movies and stuff. But the mission is important.
'The mission is important. Important'
Everything slowly comes back into focus.
"Just focus on my voice okay? Everything is going to be okay."
'But what if I mess up?'

I barely manage to get out the words "But what if I mess up?"
And even though my response is slow and almost inaudible, Crash hears it and tells me what I need to hear.
"Then try again. You won't let us down either, no matter what. We'd never think that," she gives me a sad smile and tells me "it'll be okay."
I nod slowly to show her words got through to me.
'I hope she's right.'

I stay on the ground for a few more minutes, and Crash helps me start to get back to my normal self. I'm think I'm okay again because I'm laughing quietly at her jokes and the fearful shake and hesitation in my voice is nearly gone.
The good feeling is shattered like glass when Neon's voice — panicked and rushed — comes from the radio in my jacket pocket.

"Come to the meeting point," the static muffles the shouts "..trouble..."

I grab the radio "Neon? What's happening?"
More static. Then we hear a shout: "KORSE!"
before the radio cuts out completely. None of us seem able to comprehend what we just heard, and just as it sinks in Missy jumps up and grabs my arm and shouts that we need to move.
"Neon said they were at the meeting point, we have to get there as quickly as possible!" Crash shouts.
We start bolting towards the meeting point which is just outside the city.

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