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I saw something cool today. Bright red hair dye. I'd love if my hair was red, that'd be so cool. I'd feel a little more like me, I'd also like bright blue eyes, because I kinda have this green to hazel colour, sort of like my dad Frank. I'm sorry this journal isn't very entertaining, but my life isn't very entertaining. It'll mainly just be me venting about being confused as to where I fit in.

I heard something pretty weird on the radio actually, something about this new company opening up in 2018/2019 called "Better Living" and all about how they have this work-in-progress drug or something like that to make you like everyone else, happy or just normal? I'm not sure, I wasn't listening.

I don't like the idea of it, being normal. I mean I know I don't fit in, but I like the sense of individuality I have. Like I'm the only one in my whole class who has hair dye and is under 5'5 (apart from Maisy) and who listens to Twenty One Pilots and stuff like that. And I like it that way, I like being the only one with blue in their hair, it makes me feel like I'm special in some way, and for a while I've felt  like I've been, to quote Panic! At The Disco,
"Losing the feeling of feeling unique."

You know? I used to feel special about my name because it "suited my personality" and that it was "really cool" but there are hundreds of people named Hayley. Even if there weren't, there are probably multiple alternate universes where there are exact clones of me in each one and where hundreds more people are called Hayley, so I don't find it special anymore. Again, to quote another band,
"Does it bother anyone else that someone else has your name?"
Because it bothers me. Not a lot, but it does. So yeah, I don't like the sound of that new company. If they really do make everyone the same, I'm more than likely to find some way to fight back.
Can you imagine that? Me defending the identities and personalities of people who might not exist, because they want to be like everyone else, normal? Oh god I sound really dumb, but I can picture it almost...I must be losing my mind.

Maybe I am. Oh well.


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