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Maisy told me something cool today, she said that she knows someone who likes the same bands as me! And she might be able to give me their number! Finally I can have an emo (ish) friend to cry about March 22nd with.

I nearly screamed at school today in the middle of class because I was listening to my Spotify playlist and Migraine by TØP had just finished and I was feeling pretty okay...then, as it always does, Welcome To The Black Parade came on. I MADE THE STRANGEST SOUND AND THE TEACHER LOOKED AT ME FUNNY BUT DISMISSED IT BECAUSE HE'S USED TO MY WEIRD BEHAVIOUR.

I heard something else about that company, just the name, no information. I'm pretty curious about it to be honest.

I keep getting super anxious about coming out, I mean I've kept it a secret for nearly three years. I know that most of my friends would be at least understanding, but what if they aren't? Like what if they're all homophobic assholes? I don't wanna lose more friends...yeah fuck that, I'm not telling them for a while. I don't know why I feel like I have to tell them so badly, I just want to stop bottling up my emotions because it's messing me up and making me even more anxious than usual.

I had a pretty messed up nightmare last night, there were these guys dressed in masks and white hazmat suits, and they were filling this building I was in with gas that turned anyone who breathed it in into a black and white human, like those old photos, and I was trying to get myself out of there. I could hear someone yelling my name, and I think I was trying to run to them, but there was someone else I was pulling with me, but I can't remember much about that part. I think I had the nightmare because I heard that thing about B.L.I. So yeah, pretty weird.


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