happy halloween!

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(Not a part of the story, however Acid Bullet is still dead) also this is gonna be hella spoopy and kinda gay

We're back at the small town around the academy for Halloween, as it's my favourite holiday and you can't trick or treat or do anything really without a lot of people around.
The whole team has dressed up:
Star, Bowmain and Neon are dressed as a trio of clowns, Missy has chosen a strangely intricate and equally terrifying zombie costume, Pine Needle decided on being a scary/possessed doll, kinda like Annabelle crossed with Coraline. Vol is dressed as Frankenstein's monster which is pretty frickin cool. Crash and myself have done a cool couple costume, Princess Bubblegum and Marceline from adventure time. I wanted to be Marcy but I'm "too cute" to be scary so I'm bubblegum. Not complaining though, Crash looks kinda hot as a vampire.

"You look fuckin terrifying I swear to god if any of you sneak up on me at all tonight I might swing at you" I say to the three clowns as we all walk around houses, passing decorated houses and Drac dummies from the training academy that have been hung up around town to scare little kids and all that.
"No promises!"

Crash death glares at Bow, "Scare Cherry, and you'll deal with me. Just go get candy or whatever," then turns to face Missy, "and for my sake if nothing else, be careful."

"Whatever, I'm seventeen I know how to kick ass. But fine."

After the gang walks off, Crash and I start going around trick or treating, occasionally tricking people if they don't hand over sweets by pretending to leave and jumping out and yelling "Boo!" when the next trick or treater comes by.
It's funny to see them all shocked and speechless and confused for a second before they either laugh or shout at us.
At least we think so anyway.

It's a perfect Halloween night, there's enough light to see where we're going but it's not bright enough to not be spooky, there's faint shouting in the distance that I really hope are shouts of joy and not death, and the thick clouds are hanging low, filling the atmosphere with a sense of dread. Jack o lanterns light up dark windows and scary decorations line the streets. Tall trees cast eerie shadows and a big horror maze/haunted house has been set up at the edge of town, which I really wanna check out.

"You think I'm tough right? Like I can be scary can't I?"

Crash simply raises their eyebrows and stays silent, giving me the side eye.

"Oh come on! I'm scary as hell right?"

Snickering, Crash says with a wink "yes you are. Hella cute, not hella scary."

I make a weird squeaking noise out of embarrassment, and turn as pink as my costume. What the fuck was that noise I made I'm not a fucking squirrel?
So much for being scary.

"You're so scary babe, I'm shaking in fear." they tease playfully, and leaning in to kiss me.
"Come on, let's find the others, I think they've gone to the haunted house."

"Oooh fun!"

We make our way to the end of town where the haunted house is, and we hear loud shrieking coming from inside. And I can't see the team.

"Wow. It can't really be that scary, honestly."

"Yeah, I reckon we can go in and be a whole new level of chill."

Just as I start to say something else, another bloodcurdling screech of pure terror echoes from inside the house, making both Crash and myself jump in shock. Jesus Christ what's in there?

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