new mission wha whaaaat?

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A/N: this chapter won't be as gay as the last one soz guys so have a Hayley Kiyoko song instead

Yo so team Fire has a whole new mission! I didn't get the details but basically we have to retrieve something that could lead to a cure for everyone in Battery City. Sounds easy huh?
Well not exactly. Apparently the Dracs and Korse know about this cure and are trying to stop anyone from getting to it. And it's in the city. And its heavily guarded by Dracs because apparently Korse is too much of a little bitch boy to defend it himself.

But we have a plan and I just hope it goes well, which it probably will I mean we're fucking awesome! Plus now Crash and I are girlfriends I have more motivation to be better and fight harder.
I only have one (two if you count the team) thing on my mind lately: keeping Crash safe, which means I'm training harder and getting stronger and faster etc.
I still look like a pale twig though. Just with a little more muscle and a slight tan (can you believe?!)

[switch from past tense to present as Cherry stops writing]

"Whatcha writing Cherry?"
I glance up from the page I'm writing to look at my cute ass girlfriend, who is apparently still up?? Or did I wake her up? I hope not.

"Nothing really, just this journal I've had since I was like 17. Did I wake you?"

The flickering lantern casts a soft light over mine and Crash's room.
She smiles at me and shakes her head, "Nah, I woke up a while ago and couldn't get back to sleep. What kinda stuff do you write?"

I change position so she knows I won't fall asleep. I'm propped up on my elbows like a teenage girl at a sleepover.

"Uh...just about what happens every few days, stuff about you and the team and I draw in it too," I push the book under my pillow along with the pen, I don't need either right now. I was basically done anyway, "There's some old cringey emo song lyrics in there too. I never got around to burning those."
Crash lets out a quiet laugh, the kind of laugh I don't hear often because everything is typically so loud.

I suddenly become aware of a warmth in my chest, and as I continue smiling and talking to her, my face starts feeling funny too
I guess I'm blushing like crazy. Totally normal.
A comfortable silence falls over the two of us, and we're left smiling and blushing at each other like two middle schoolers, staring up at the stars through a crack in the ceiling.
We stay like that for a short while, before Crash sits up and interrupts the silence with her beautiful voice.


I sit up as well cuz why not ya know "Yeah?"

Crash leans in towards me, and turns almost as red as my hair before whispering "I love you."

The world suddenly seems incredible and I'm doing a fuckin victory dance in my head
"I love you too."
I whisper back, and because I'm a little short Crash tilts my chin up a little wow her eyes are pretty and closes the distance between us, kissing me softly. She gently runs her hand through my hair damn what the fuck she's good at this and I shift my weight a little, just as Crash does the same. I think to myself I swear to god if someone walks in I will literally throw something at their head and just as that thought crosses my mind, Crash pauses for a second then starts kissing me harder and the feeling in my chest feels like fireworks. I put a hand on her waist and pull her closer, and I can't help but smile a little. I don't want this night to ever end.

Suddenly we hear a loud noise from outside our door and Miss Chief comes barging in. I yelp and jump back in surprise, accidentally bringing Crash down with me

"GUYS I SAW A COOL— fucking hell."

"Lily what the fuck do you want?" Crash says, mildly pissed off and blushing like mad. She sits up again and I bury my face in a pillow, almost literally burning with embarrassment.

"I-uh...constellations...planet...shooting star airplanes? Didn't mean to...whatever"
Lily stutters, and after an awkward silence, she leaves and runs back to her room.

"Jesus. You okay there Cherry?" My face is still in the pillow. I look up and nod, Crash giggles at the sight of my blushing face stuffed into a pillow and I start laughing too. We both crawl under our blankets, still chuckling to ourselves at the situation.

I reach for Crash's hand, and we fall asleep with our hands barely touching.

"I still never want this night to end." I mumble. Nobody can hear me. They're actually all asleep now.

A/N: welp that got gayer than I thought it would. I kinda just let my imagination run around for a while and uhhhh yeah enjoy this even though it's probably not very well written. Next few chapters: shit gets dark.

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