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April Fools, bitch!

I have no idea...

Okay so I lost this thing at school and couldn't find it for the past two months so that's why it's April, not February. Also, I texted that "someone" that Maisy knew and I'm pretty sure we were best friends within two weeks, so that's awesome. Their name's Veari and they're really cool, like they can play guitar and sing and they're just awesome.
And then there's me, who can't sing for shit, all I can do is draw decently.

I've been trying to figure out a way to come out to my friends, but I keep freaking out and I just can't get the words out.

B.L.I is starting to test their pill, I seriously hope that it fails and everyone stays themselves. I had that nightmare about the masked men in hazmats again, it's weirding me out, like fuck why can't my brain not be a little bitch for once?

I wish I could be different. Well, not different different but..more like me I guess? But to do that I'd need to be older, with bright red hair, self confidence and more freedom I guess.


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