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Well it's official. I talked to Gerard, and I'm going to train with the older kids first thing tomorrow. But right now? I'm watching all my friends laugh while I pretend to laugh along with them because I don't understand the joke they made. I hate fake laughing, it's kind of exhausting when you do it too much. But I have to so people won't ask questions, like I said "same" the other day when someone on a TV show broke down crying over something small and people bothered me about it all. Freaking. Day.

But honestly I can't complain about having a terrible life, considering that one of my dads (Gerard) bought me a really nice jacket when I was 12.

I haven't grown since then so that's why it still fits.

It's this really nice material that's not quite waterproof but it doesn't soak through, it's got pretty thin sleeves so you don't get too warm too quickly, but it's still warm enough everywhere else so you can wear it in winter. And it's got pockets and a hood. I fuckin love it. The colour faded from it a little over the last 3 years so the red isn't as bright, it's more of a greyish pink/red now. But I still really like it.

I think I just like jackets in general.

I found a picture of me from when I was only 6 years old the other day. I looked so happy, I had the messiest hair back then, and I suited the freckles. (because they sure as hell don't make you look intimidating when you're 17)
And you can see how much time I spent outdoors, I had all these plasters and bruises all over my legs from climbing trees a lot, and my clothes were slightly torn and kinda muddy too. My skin was a lot paler, but it's always been like that.
Wish I could go back into that photo, I was using my hands to swing precariously from a high tree branch with Frank standing underneath me ready to catch me if I fell, and I did fall, and nearly broke my arm because he didn't grab me in time. That was hilarious, I was laughing even though I scared myself (and my dads) half to death.

I got distracted in class again and the teacher got pissed off. Can't remember what class, I think it was maths? I don't know, I don't really care either to be honest, I mean how the fuck am I gonna use maths to draw or write or kill a Drac?

Veari told me that they actually have a younger sister called Lily, and that she's two years younger than us, and she also goes to this school/training centre. Its weird, even though this place has over 1000 kids and teens in it, I don't think I've ever seen Veari or their sister. Maybe I have and I just can't remember.
Actually, no, I'd definitely remember seeing someone that pretty.

Oh some kid called Dan made fun of my height today. Called me a "tiny, weak little fairy girl" and oh boy I nearly lost it. I get it, I'm 15 years old and I'm unusually skinny and I'm 5'3, so yeah pretty short, but I'm fast, and I am actually quite strong. And when I'm mad, I'm pretty fucking scary. Like even the Incredible Hulk is afraid. He bloody would be if he saw me angry.


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